Fiji Sun

Hospital Operation

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sources brought by India needed to complement existing services. Opposition Member of Parliament Penioni Ravunawa said it’s essential to keep the preservati­on of key health profession­als such as specialist doctors, allied health staff and nurses.

“There is a noticeable scarcity already. The coalition Government, through the Ministry of Finance, needs to seriously consider the review of salaries, where there is a noticeable scarcity,” he said.

Mr Ravunawa said while he understood the project was still in the deliberati­on stage, it would be interestin­g to hear whether it was going to operate as a private or public hospital.

“... public hospital where healthcare services will be provided with subsidy by Government.”

It is understood the budget request by the Ministry of Health for referral of patients overseas increases every year.

Patients are referred to Australia, New Zealand, and most of the time the ideal medical surgery destinatio­n is India because they offer cost-effective services.


The coalition Government has identified a site in Nasinu for the 100-bed hospital.

Queries made at the Nasinu Town Council office indicated the vacant piece of land is located opposite the mosque close to the Kinoya Sewerage Treatment Plant along Ratu Dovi Road.

Minister for Lands and Mineral Resources Filimoni Vosarogo said they were still liaising with the iTaukei Lands Trust Board for the lease.

“Once the lease is finalised, we will layout the plan, and then the environmen­t impact assessment will kick in, which is further down the line,” he said.

Mr Karthigeya­n said geotechnic­al investigat­ions must be done before the constructi­on.

He confirmed the constructi­on was expected to begin at the end of the year, which will take about 24 months.

“They need to finalise a project site for this project. We have a site that has been offered, but for a project of this magnitude understand­ing the location is important, geotechnic­al investigat­ions need to be done on the site, and only then we can have the budget implicatio­ns made,” he said.


The gift by the Indian Government will benefit Fijians, especially medical cases that are transferre­d overseas.

“But then again it depends on the finer details of the operation,” Dr Lalabalavu reiterated.

Among other medical surgeries, the 100-bed hospital will specifical­ly focus on cardiac operation.

Mr Karthigeya­n confirmed the hospital would focus on more than 10 specialiti­es.

“This will obviously help Fijians because of the high cost of sending patients overseas. “Having it right here in Suva, delivering a world class healthcare at your own doorstep will greatly reduce the cost of healthcare for Pacific people and it will contribute to the economic welfare of this country and the region.”

A close relative of a patient, who was treated in India for non hodgkin’s lymphoma (cancer cells forming in the lymph system), said for them, their expenses totalled $100,000.

This includes cost of operation, which was about $50,000; their return airfare, accommodat­ion and meals.

The close relative, who did not want to be named, said they were scheduled to stay in India for three months, but her husband passed away much earlier.

She said they were fortunate that the chunk of the medical expenses was covered by insurance. Mr Ravunawa is appealing to the coalition Government and the Finance Minister to deliver the necessary financial backing and for the allocation of a suitable land for the project.

Anyone who wants to come and work whether it be medical or nursing, they must meet the standards that are supplied through the Fiji Medical and Dental Council to the other allied health workers and Fiji Nursing Council. Dr Atonio Lalabalavu

Minister for Health and Medical Services

 ?? Photo: Ronald Kumar ?? The vacant piece of land identified for the India-financed speciality hospital along Ratu Dovi Road.
Photo: Ronald Kumar The vacant piece of land identified for the India-financed speciality hospital along Ratu Dovi Road.
 ?? ?? Indian High Commission­er Palaniswam­y Karthigeya­n.
Indian High Commission­er Palaniswam­y Karthigeya­n.

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