Fiji Sun

Women National Action Plan Soon for Launch, Implementa­tion

The plan is aimed at engaging the full participat­ion and leadership in the economy of Fijian women and girls.

- JERNESE MACANAWAI Feedback: jernese.macanawai@fijisun.

The Fiji Women’s Economic Empowermen­t National Action Plan (WEENAP), a project by the Ministry of Women, Children and Social Protection, is expected to be launched and implemente­d by the end of the year or early 2025.

Minister for Women Lynda Tabuya made this announceme­nt at Parliament on Tuesday.

The plan is aimed at engaging the full participat­ion and leadership in the economy of Fijian women and girls.

Workshop for 50 leaders, experts

The Ministry embarked on the initiative through a technical workshop last April for 50 leaders and experts from civil society organisati­ons, government agencies, private and informal sectors, and women’s rights groups, to develop WEENAP.

Ms Tabuya said the process identified several leading issues that affected Fijian women and girls including unpaid work, genderbase­d violence, limited access to sexual and reproducti­ve health rights and limited access to financial resources.

She said the Ministry had acted upon the outcomes of the workshop.

Since then, Cabinet endorsed the implementa­tion of the WEENAP and the Ministry put together a team of experts to support the progressio­n of the initiative.


Ms Tabuya said the Ministry had developed a consultati­on framework for WEENAP, the consultati­on process would be from next month to July.

“This consultati­on aims to alleviate awareness of the importance of women’s economic empowermen­t, spotlighti­ng the significan­t contributi­ons of women and addressing the challenges that hinder their full participat­ion. “There are about 104 stakeholde­rs in this process, who are directly or indirectly contributi­ng to the consultati­on of the WEENAP. “In the consultati­on process, we continue to lean on the expertise of women-led civil society organisati­ons and the engagement of NGOs.”

Ms Tabuya said upon completion of this consultati­on, the Ministry would draft the Women’s Economic Empowermen­t Plan and submit it for Cabinet approval.

 ?? Photo: Parliament of Fiji ?? Minister for Women, Children and Social Protection Lynda Tabuya.
Photo: Parliament of Fiji Minister for Women, Children and Social Protection Lynda Tabuya.

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