Fiji Sun


It is also alleged that between November to December last year and January this year, the accused persons, without lawful authority, facilitate­d the importatio­n and were found in possession of 4.8 tonnes of methamphet­amine.


Cathy Tuirabe Bainisavu, who is charged with unlawful possession of illicit drug, told the High Court in Lautoka yesterday that she wished to withdraw her private lawyer to seek Legal Aid Commission representa­tion.

Bainisavu, Justin Ho, David Heritage, Louie Logaivau, Ratu Aporosa Davelevu, Sakiusa Tuva, Ratu Osea Levula, Jale Aukerea, Keanie Lilo Mcpherson and Viliame Colowaliku, are charged with unlawful possession of illicit drugs.

Ho and Heritage are charged with unlawful importatio­n of illicit drugs. Additional­ly, Ho, Logaivau and Aukerea are charged with having properties suspected of being proceeds of crime. The accused persons were allegedly found in possession of cash (local and overseas currencies) suspected of being proceeds of crime.

It is also alleged that between November to December last year and January this year, the accused persons, without lawful authority, facilitate­d the importatio­n and were found in possession of 4.8 tonnes of methamphet­amine, an illicit drug.

High Court Judge, Justice Aruna Aluthge presided over the matter. Ho and Logaivau were represente­d by Samuela Heritage.

Davelevu and Levula appeared without their counsels while Aukerea and Bainisavu were represente­d by Edwin Wainqolo.

Tuva was represente­d by a lawyer from Lal Patel Bale lawyers, Levula appeared without his lawyer while Mcpherson and Colowaliku were represente­d by the Legal Aid Commission. Unal Dev Lal represente­d the State. Bainisavu told the court that she wished to engage Legal Aid representa­tion and was advised that she could lodge an applicatio­n with the Legal Aid Commission.

Mr Lal told the court that he had received the supporting affidavit for Colowaliku’s bail applicatio­n, however, the disclosure­s were pending in the overall substantiv­e matter, therefore he would be seeking more time to file the respective response and disclosure­s. Justice Hamza granted time to the State and adjourned the matter to May 3 for mention before further remanding the accused persons.

 ?? Photo: Salote Qalubau ?? Cathy Tuirabe Bainisavu and Jale Aukerea are escorted out of the High Court in Lautoka on April 18,2024.
Photo: Salote Qalubau Cathy Tuirabe Bainisavu and Jale Aukerea are escorted out of the High Court in Lautoka on April 18,2024.

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