Fiji Sun

Complex heart surgeries being performed


Every day, the Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Children’s Hospital witnesses miracles unfold.

Led by distinguis­hed heart surgeon Dr Shaun Setty, the worldclass pediatric cardiac super-specialist­s is bestowing a precious ‘Gift of Life’ upon children born with congenital heart disease.

In a remarkable display of expertise and compassion, an internatio­nal team made up of surgeons from the USA, UAE, Australia, and New Zealand conducted nine successful surgeries within three days. This collaborat­ive effort aims to provide vital life-saving surgeries to children from Fiji and the Pacific region during this crucial surgical mission.

Reflecting on the profound impact of these interventi­ons, Sai Sanjeevani Hospital director Dr Krupali Tappoo expressed deep gratitude towards Dr Setty and the team for their dedication to saving young lives.

Their efforts have offered hope to some critically ill children in need of urgent surgical care. Some children have very complex lesions and require very skilled specialist­s.

Dr Ranga, a Pediatric Cardiac Anesthetis­t based in Dubai, shared his admiration for the worldclass facility at the Sai Sanjeevani

Children’s Hospital, emphasisin­g the remarkable work being undertaken within its walls. He highlighte­d the significan­ce of such a pioneering institutio­n within Fiji and the Pacific region, underscori­ng the pride it instills in the local community. The recent surgeries mark a significan­t milestone, with a total of 270 children having received free life-saving heart surgeries and procedures as of yesterday. This monumental achievemen­t is further complement­ed by the remarkable milestone of over 16,000 free echocardio­grams conducted by the Sai Sanjeevani Children’s Heart Screening Centre.

As the surgical mission continues throughout the week, it serves as a testament to the hospital’s unwavering commitment to excellence and compassion. These efforts culminate in the forthcomin­g celebratio­n of the hospital’s second anniversar­y on April 24, reaffirmin­g its pivotal role in transformi­ng lives and spreading hope within the community.

 ?? Ariella and her mother. ?? - Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Children’s Hospital
Ariella and her mother. - Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Children’s Hospital

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