Fiji Sun

Organisati­on Was Not Removed: Health Minister, Statement Clarify

‘From what the medical superinten­dent has briefed me on, they [IWA] have not been told that they were kicked out’


The Ministry of Health & Medical Services is claiming that there was no decision made to remove the Internatio­nal Women’s Associatio­n (IWA) from the Colonial War Memorial Hospital (CWMH).

This was after the IWA president Judy Compain expressed her concern and disappoint­ment in a letter to the ministry.

However, Minister for Health Dr Ratu Antonio Lalabalavu said any allegation­s of malicious intent to remove IWA are unfounded. Dr Lalabalavu when asked outside Parliament yesterday acknowledg­ed reading the statement. “From what the medical superinten­dent has briefed me on, they [IWA] have not been told that they were kicked out,” he said.

He added the organisati­on’s projects at CWM Hospital remained intact and they would have to work with the medical superinten­dent. “We have not given any directive for them to stop work.”

In a press release yesterday evening, the ministry echoed the line minister’s sentiments.

“We only requested them to temporaril­y halt their projects as we collaborat­ed with the Board of Visitors (BOV) to finalise guidelines for donations and support of the CWM Hospital,” the statement stated. “Our utmost priority is ensuring all fundraisin­g efforts are conducted transparen­tly and with accountabi­lity. We have been informed of fundraisin­g activities locally and internatio­nally by philanthro­pic organisati­ons to assist CWMH. While this is greatly appreciate­d, we must regulate and ensure these activities are genuine.”

It further stated IWA had raised funds for CWM Hospital and continued to do so.

The CWMH BOV is legislated to work with donor agencies to partner with the Ministry for the Hospital’s Good as stipulated in the Public Hospitals and Dispensari­es Act. “We acknowledg­e the numerous works carried out by IWA in the hospital, as aired on social media by Ms Compain, and we understand that they were done in the true spirit of goodwill.”

IWA letter

In a letter from Ms Compain to the ministry, it stated IWA had worked tirelessly to assist the hospital and had made significan­t transforma­tions.

“We have received a letter informing us that the Permanent Secretary for Health and Medical Services has approved measures to restrict our involvemen­t with the CWMH,” Ms Compain said.

“These measures include CWMH not engaging with IWA for any project, putting any current project on hold, and not using the name of CWM Hospital for any fundraisin­g drive.

“For the record, we have not used the hospital’s name to fundraise, and have had a very successful fundraiser as we are a trusted organisati­on whose work is visible and transparen­t, and our donors can see where we’ve spent our money.” She said the mention of a “donor policy and fundraisin­g document” being prepared by the BOV raises questions about its intentions and whether it’s attempting to restrict support from organisati­ons like IWA.

Ms Compain questioned the role of the BOV in preparing such a document for the ministry and whether it aims to limit the assistance from IWA.

“The BOV’s role is to ensure the hospital’s maintenanc­e, repair, and beautifica­tion and equip it with the necessary technology to provide high-quality care,” she said.

IWA has requested a review of the BOV because “there is no way they have the maintenanc­e and repair of the hospital under control.”

She also requests the review of all contractor­s and the TOR (Terms of Reference) for contracts.

“Cleaning contractor­s, laundry contracts, maintenanc­e contractor­s, etc.

“If you wish to scrutinize IWA who are volunteers, then we expect you to pay more attention to those who are paid for by taxpayers.

“We have invested heavily in the hospital and have raised our concerns on the state of the bathrooms, the cleanlines­s and hygiene standards and sadly these have been ignored.”

The Board of Visitors (BOV) chair Dr Esther Williams did not respond when this edition went to press.

 ?? Photo: Ronald Kumar ?? Minister for Health and Medical Services Dr Ratu Atonio Lalabalavu.
Photo: Ronald Kumar Minister for Health and Medical Services Dr Ratu Atonio Lalabalavu.
 ?? ?? Internatio­nal Women’s Associatio­n president Judy Compain.
Internatio­nal Women’s Associatio­n president Judy Compain.

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