Fiji Sun

Attitude leads to ‘ALTITUDE’


It was a beautiful morning and more importantl­y, it was a Saturday, probably the best day for Ravinesh especially after a very hectic week he had at work. He had recently graduated from a reputed management college and fortunatel­y for him, he was immediatel­y selected as a management trainee with a leading clothing store in Suva. “It is a sunny Saturday, and we all must go to Pac Harbour and have a swim” it was his close friend and neighbor, Bob. “No brother, not today! Although it is a Saturday, I have a few things to do, especially a presentati­on which I have to make for some clients from USA. They are visiting our office and our manufactur­ing facility, on Monday. I think, I will give it a miss this time but we can go there next week for sure!” Bob was a bit surprised and irritated as well. “It is a Saturday and we need time for ourselves to have a great time bro!” he exclaimed in an almost aggressive tone. “What you say is right Bob, but then, the only time I have for working on the presentati­on is today” “What about tomorrow?” Bob asked. “Bro, don’t you remember, tomorrow we are all going to be attending the wedding in Navua?” “Oh yes! You are right. Anyways, I cannot force you to join me to Pac harbor today, but I am sure we will be meeting up tomorrow to attend the wedding” saying this Bob left and Ravinesh returned to his room to work on the presentati­on. He was on his laptop for almost three hours, busy working on ensuring that the presentati­on was made to perfection, leaving no chance for any errors and criticism. On Monday, the presentati­on was delivered and it was a huge success. The clients were very pleased and made their decision on the spot to place huge orders. “We are very impressed with the production facilities and along with that, the quality assurance initiative­s. We also have seen that your product-pricing seems reasonable and hence we would like to go ahead and place major orders for the US markets. But before we go ahead with the deal we wish to sincerely appreciate the manner in which Mr. Ravinesh made the presentati­on. It was extremely well structured and precise. We also want to say that Ravinesh was able to excellentl­y respond and resolve all our pertinent doubts and queries” Saying this the clients left the conference room. Later that day, the CEO, Mr. Michael called Ravinesh to his cabin. “Dear Ravinesh, your presentati­on was truly outstandin­g, especially in the manner in which you presented the competitiv­e advantage as well as the pricing structures.

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