Fiji Sun

Fostering a safe- conscious community


The Land Transport Authority is committed to fostering a safety-conscious community among all road users through its comprehens­ive community and public outreach program on road safety.

Recognisin­g the paramount importance of public awareness and education in reducing road accidents and fatalities, LTA is actively engaged in various initiative­s to disseminat­e critical road safety messages.

Through driver interventi­on programs across the country, roadside awareness initiative­s, house-tohouse visits, and office outreach efforts, the Authority ensures that road safety informatio­n reaches individual­s across the nation.

These sessions, conducted by LTA’s dedicated Road Safety and Education, and Enforcemen­t teams, include demonstrat­ions on driver, pedestrian, and passenger responsibi­lities, emphasizin­g the shared duty in promoting safer roads.

Working alongside the Fiji Police Force in taking road safety messages directly to the public, LTA aims to instil a deep understand­ing of the importance of adhering to road safety rules and standards.

The ultimate goal is to cultivate a culture of compliance and vigilance among all road users, thereby reducing accidents and safeguardi­n

Here’s what you can do to join the fight to keep our roads safe for all Fijians.

■Drive responsibl­y: Avoid distractio­ns, obey speed limits, and never drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

■Buck●e Up: Ensure everyone in the vehicle wears a seatbelt, regardless of the distance of the journey.

■P●a■ ahead: Plan your travel routes, take breaks to avoid fatigue, and be patient on the roads.

■Avoid the use of mobile phones and communicat­ion devices while driving.

■Respect/adhere to traffic rules: Follow traffic signals, signs, and guidelines to maintain order and safety on the roads.

■E■courage responsibl­e behaviour: Share the importance of road safety with your family and friends, fostering a culture of responsibi­lity as drivers, passengers, and pedestrian­s.

Source: Land Transport Authority

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Land Transport Authority officers with Police, conducts roasd safety awareness.

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