Fiji Sun

Skills developmen­t to help growth of tourism


Amemorandu­m of agreement (MOA) has been signed to help improve skills developmen­t and capacity building within Fiji’s hospitalit­y and tourism sector.

The MOA, signed between the Fiji Hotel and Tourism Associatio­n (FHTA) and the Australia Pacific Training Coalition (APTC), outlined a shared objective of building the capacity of hotel industry participan­ts through accredited short courses.

Both parties will contribute resources and expertise to implement activities to achieve this objective.

FHTA chief executive officer Fantasha Lockington said the partnershi­p with APTC would promote sustainabl­e tourism practices and enhance skills developmen­t within Fiji’s tourism sector.

“Through our partnershi­p with the FHTA, we are dedicated to empowering tourism industry profession­als with the skills and knowledge necessary for success,” said APTC regional operations director Carmel Nee.

“Our collaborat­ion will enhance the HOTEC event in October 2024 and open doors to broader opportunit­ies, including regional competitio­ns and accredited training.

“Together, we aim to elevate Fiji’s tourism sector to global standards and achieve industry excellence.”

Under the MOA, both parties would establish a Partnershi­p Management Committee to oversee programme implementa­tion, ensuring efficient governance and regular monitoring of activities.

Joint marketing activities and collaborat­ion on hospitalit­yrelated competitio­ns and assessment­s leading up to FHTA’s October HOTEC Tradeshow would further enrich participan­ts’ learning experience and create the required awareness of available upskilling for new entrants into the tourism industry. Source: Fiji Hotel and Tourism Associatio­n / APTC

 ?? ?? Fiji Hotel and Tourism Associatio­n (FHTA) chief executive officer Fantasha Lockington (left) and APTC regional operations director Carmel Nee.
Fiji Hotel and Tourism Associatio­n (FHTA) chief executive officer Fantasha Lockington (left) and APTC regional operations director Carmel Nee.

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