Fiji Sun

Narhari Opens Eighth Outlet in Fiji


Narhari Electrical­s has opened its eighth outlet in Fiji with a promise for affordable produts.

Associate director, Dylan Harikisun, said the opening of the new outlet at Damodar City Labasa complex, is key to remaining competitiv­e in the market. Mr Harikisun said three factors that contribute­d to the relocation from the main street of Labasa Town were:

■bei■g competitiv­e with other electrical businesses,

■●ocatio■ attracts good crowd of customers and

■reaso■ab●e prices ensures their sustainabi­lity.

Three locals have been employed to add to the eight staff already based from the previous old shop. The new outlet will offer a variety of electronic appliances from phones, home appliances, gadgets, generators and many more. Mr Harikisun said they have special offers and prices that would meet people’s demand.

“We have brought new products like generators, audio appliances of variety,” Mr Harikisun said, The company has also built a separate television viewing room for customers to get the best satisfacti­on before making a purchase. This is a new addition from previous outlets.

When approached on how they decided to open up at Damodar, Mr Harikisun said the preference and influx of customers towards Damodar complex is a game changer. He said they would introduce night opening until 7pm.

This is because customers were in huge numbers during this peak period at the Damodar complex. Mr Harikisun said the prices were just right for the products that customers buy.

“We will run specials and promotion periods such as our roadshows so that the people of Labasa and Vanua Levu can enjoy the great deals on offer,” he said. Mr Harikisun said with the business environmen­t changing with more electrical shops opening, Narhari, had the best of the electrical products.

He said they respect the choices of the customers.

However, their outlet’s service delivery and prices suited the needs of an ordinary customer. “We understand the price dynamics and product choice of customers, so we have a range to choose from.”

Mr Harikisun thanked the vision of Damodar Group chief executive officer, Div Damodar, on how he developed Labasa town.

He said the staff have been trained on how to effectivel­y approach customers and ensure all their product clarificat­ions were met.

“They need informatio­n and we

must provide so they can make their decision at the same time and make the purchase,” he said. Mr Harikisun said diversific­ation is a powerful means to better serve the people of the Northern Division especially Vanua Levu. He said generators are available and those facing challenges with power supply, can visit their outlet in Labasa for the best deals. Mr Damodar welcomed the Narhari family on board for a greater venture of innovation,

business opportunit­y and higher standard of service to all customers.

“Damodar City is the talk of the town and today each outlet is relishing its dreams and future opportunit­ies.”

Mr Damodar said the location of electronic shops suited to the close proximity to the carpark to enable customers to buy and load in their vehicles easily.

 ?? Photo: Sampras Anand ?? Narhari Electrical­s associate director, Dylan Harikisun, with staff of Narhari branch at Damodar City complex in Labasa on April 5, 2024
Photo: Sampras Anand Narhari Electrical­s associate director, Dylan Harikisun, with staff of Narhari branch at Damodar City complex in Labasa on April 5, 2024
 ?? ?? Narhari Electrical­s newi branch at Damodar City complex in Labasa on April 5, 2024
Narhari Electrical­s newi branch at Damodar City complex in Labasa on April 5, 2024

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