Fiji Sun

Awards to include businesses, customers from the outer islands


The Fiji Developmen­t Bank’ annual National & Small Medium Enterprise Awards 2023 (NSMEA) will include businesses and customers from the outer islands.

Chief executive officer Saud Minam said the idea was to give outer island customers and businesses an opportunit­y to attend the award ceremony.

“Not only that, we have also included another category which is

called the Best Agricultur­e Business SME,” Mr Minam said. “Which basically means that while we continue to focus on agricultur­e, there are some of these businesses which are also related to agricultur­e.”

In addition to this, a paperless applicatio­n system has been introduced for the NSMEA.

Mr Minam said teams from FDB will be on the ground visiting business and customers to assist in submitting online applicatio­ns for the NSMEA.

“This time around, what we are

trying to do is not only online but we will also have the outreaches from all branches as well.

“We will make sure that our people go over there but we will continue to work on the paperless environmen­t.

“They will carry their own laptops, Wi-Fi and sit down with the customer, take photograph, upload the documents and fill out the applicatio­n with them.

“One of the main reasons is that it makes it easier for our judges to judge and it is very transparen­t for everyone to evaluate those applicatio­ns,”

Mr Minam said.

Deputy prime minister and Minister for Finance Biman Prasad said the NSMEA is important because Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise­s (MSME), and Small and Medium Enterprise­s (SME) are very important to any economy in terms of employment generation. Mr Prasad said not only are big companies, large enterprise­s creating employment, MSME and SMEs are also contributi­ng to the employment process.

“Income generation to a large extent also comes from SME. They are very important contributo­rs to the whole supply chain,” Mr Prasad said.

“In essence, MSMEs are not only key drivers of economic developmen­t but also economic diversific­ation and as a government, we realise that economic diversific­ation is very important.”

Applicatio­ns for the NSMEA will be open and readily available on the FDB website.

Deadline for the NSMEA applicatio­n is June 1, 2024.

 ?? Photo: Laiseana Nasiga ?? Sponsors of the upcoming National Small & Medium Enterprise Awards 2023 with Fiji Developmen­t Bank Chief Executive Officer Saud Minam (third from left), Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Biman Prasad (fifth from left) and Reserve Bank of Fiji Governor Ariff Ali (second from right) during the launch of the NSMEA 2023 at the FDB headquarte­rs in Suva on April 6, 2024.
Photo: Laiseana Nasiga Sponsors of the upcoming National Small & Medium Enterprise Awards 2023 with Fiji Developmen­t Bank Chief Executive Officer Saud Minam (third from left), Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Biman Prasad (fifth from left) and Reserve Bank of Fiji Governor Ariff Ali (second from right) during the launch of the NSMEA 2023 at the FDB headquarte­rs in Suva on April 6, 2024.

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