Fiji Sun

Minister Requests Land for Rubbish Dump


Minister for Lands and Mineral Resources Filimoni Vosarogo has urged landowners near Savusavu Town to assist the ministry with land for the overflowin­g rubbish dump. He made this plea during the Cakaudrove Provincial Council meeting in Taveuni to the chiefs and district representa­tives attending the meeting.

During the meeting, concerns were raised regarding the environmen­tal impact of the rubbish dump on the northern tourist town. Mr Vosarogo told the meeting that his team from Suva was currently carrying out feasibilit­y studies on the same site, as there had been no site given to the Ministry of Local Government for lease.

As much as the chiefs and district representa­tives of Savusavu call for change from the council, the issue of land is a main hindrance to effective talks.

“Our team is conducting those studies, and by this year, we can assure you all, a site can be used again,” Mr Vosarogo said.

“But there is one problem, there hasn’t been one piece of land given to the state to lease to allow us to relocate—with the assistance of the local government.

“My only plea for landowners is to assist us with land.”

Mr Vosarogo expressed concern about the proximity of the rubbish to the sea, stating that it poses a risk due to its location. He also mentioned that this has various environmen­tal impacts.

Special administra­tor Savusavu Shankar Singh said the council was struggling to address concerns raised by business houses and hoteliers as they look for proper land to relocate the dump site.

“The issue of rubbish dumps in Savusavu is a major problem,” he said.

“We really need the assistance of landowners in this regard.” Savusavu representa­tive Mosese Salakibulu confirmed that they will engage in talks in the coming weeks with the council and relevant ministries to best solve and identify a piece of land.

 ?? Photo: Jone Salusalu ?? Minister for Lands and Mineral Resources Filimoni Vosarogo in Somosomo village, Taveuni on March 4, 2024.
Photo: Jone Salusalu Minister for Lands and Mineral Resources Filimoni Vosarogo in Somosomo village, Taveuni on March 4, 2024.

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