Fiji Sun

Fast speed EV drive thrills Prasad


Electric Vehicles charm the heart and mind of drivers by blending serenity, sustainabi­lity and technologi­cal sophistica­tion.

Electric motors provide instant torque, delivering an exhilarati­ng surge of power.

This electrifyi­ng accelerati­on and speed has thrilled Hezron Prasad, who has been driving a Kona Electric SUV for the last three years. Mr Prasad, who is a chief executive officer at Mark One Apparel in Valelevu, said driving an EV has provided a sense of freedom and unlimited possibilit­ies.

“I have driven non-electric vehicles in the past but I feel that EVs are more thrilling on the road. “One foot on the speed and the vehicle does its magic.

“The first time I drove the Kona, its speed got my heart pounding. “The speed goes from zero to 100 km/h in just 4.1 seconds which is really fast compared to the fuel consumptio­n vehicles that I drove previously,” he said.

EV performanc­e

Mr Prasad said electric cars are swiftly progressin­g to deliver the same exhilarati­ng emotions as sports cars that run on petrol.

“If I have to get this same power on my non-EV car, I might have to use Turbo chargers and V8 engine to get that sort of power to make sure I get good performanc­e out of my car.

“With EVs, it’s different since there is no gear box which means there is just a 1:1 ratio of power from the motor to the wheel.

“It helps me reach from point A to B very efficientl­y and there is a hustle driving it,” Mr Prasad said. The Kona Electric SUV number plate ‘NO CO2’ is a unique one as it means No Carbon dioxide. Mr Prasad said the idea to have that number plate was to inform people of his vision of environmen­t sustainabi­lity and reduce carbon footprint.

“I am looking for sustainabl­e and eco-friendly transporta­tion solutions.

“I have been driving an EV for the last five years and I find it peaceful as I do not have to spend money on fuel.

“We have EV chargers installed at my workplace which charges my vehicle and the company EVs at the same time supplying power to the entire factory.

“I have a motorbike and another fuel driven vehicle that I use on the weekends only,” he said. Characteri­sed by quietness, the EV driving experience for the 34-year-old has sparked with zero noise pollution.

“The EV I drive is more energyeffi­cient than traditiona­l gasolinepo­wered vehicles.

“The energy conversion efficiency of my EV is something around 60 per cent compared to around 20 per cent for gasoline-powered vehicles.

“The vehicle does not make noise both within and outside.

“This opens up opportunit­ies creating a more engaging driving experience,” he said.

 ?? Photo: Romeka Kumari ?? EV charger intsalled at Mark One Apparel factory in Valelevu, Nasinu.
Photo: Romeka Kumari EV charger intsalled at Mark One Apparel factory in Valelevu, Nasinu.
 ?? Romeka Kumari ?? Hezron Prasad with his Kona SUV Electric Vehicle in Suva on Wednesday March 27, 2024.Photo:
Romeka Kumari Hezron Prasad with his Kona SUV Electric Vehicle in Suva on Wednesday March 27, 2024.Photo:
 ?? Photo: Romeka Kumari ?? A sustainabl­e and eco-friendly transporta­tion solutions.
Photo: Romeka Kumari A sustainabl­e and eco-friendly transporta­tion solutions.

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