Fiji Sun

From Fiji to the World


Fiji’s vibrant cultural tapestry is woven with threads of creativity, innovation, and passion.

As the nation propels forward, it is imperative for Fijians to rally behind their local Small and Medium Enterprise­s (SMEs), nurturing them into formidable pillars of the economy.

Among these gems is Resonance Entertainm­ent, a dynamic force in Fiji’s entertainm­ent industry, enchanting audiences with its pulsating rhythms and captivatin­g performanc­es, featuring bands like InsideOut and Vegas 6.

Inspiring musicians

Resonance Entertainm­ent stands as a beacon of artistic prowess, offering a diverse array of services from its headquarte­rs in Suva and Nadi.

Founded in 2017, the entertainm­ent entity emerged from the success of Fiji’s beloved band, InsideOut.

What began as an entertainm­ent contract at the prestigiou­s ShangriLa Resort blossomed into a multifacet­ed enterprise, catering not only to the musical aspiration­s of Fijians, but also to the broader spectrum of entertainm­ent needs.

“We wanted to keep the image of InsideOut alive while branching out into various entertainm­ent ventures,” said the visionary behind Resonance Entertainm­ent, Apakuki ‘Kuki’ Nalawa.

“Thus, we created a one-stop entertainm­ent shop, managing artists, contracts, gear hire, photograph­y, and videograph­y services.”

The journey of Resonance Entertainm­ent epitomised the essence of perseveran­ce and strategic vision. From its humble beginnings, the company embraced a slow and steady growth trajectory, firmly anchored in its commitment to fostering a platform for creatives to thrive. “We envisioned Resonance as more than just a business venture. It was a sanctuary for artists to not only showcase their talents but also to carve out sustainabl­e livelihood­s,” Nalawa said.

Central to Resonance’s success is its unwavering dedication to nurturing talent.

With InsideOut as its flagship, the company forged a path of honesty, integrity, and camaraderi­e, laying the foundation for enduring success.

“Our bond goes beyond the stage; we are a family united by our passion for music,” said Timothy Solomon of InsideOut.

“Transparen­cy, mutual respect, and a shared drive for excellence have been the cornerston­es of our journey.”

In a diverse artistic environmen­t where each artist stands as a distinct entity, Resonance Entertainm­ent embraces a tailored strategy to nurture and elevate their careers.

By acknowledg­ing and magnifying the uniqueness of every artist, the company fosters comprehens­ive developmen­t, both on stage and off.

“Authentici­ty is key in our dealings with artists,” Nalawa said.

“We strive to bring out the best in each individual, not just in their performanc­es but also in their overall well-being.”

Tourism connection­s

As a pioneer in resort entertainm­ent in the Western Division, Resonance Entertainm­ent tailors its services to meet the discerning needs of its clientele.

With a deep understand­ing of the tourism market and a continuous commitment to upskilling, the company remains at the forefront of delivering unparallel­ed experience­s to guests.

Collaborat­ions with industry stakeholde­rs, including Tourism Fiji and Fiji Airways, further amplify Resonance’s impact, both locally and internatio­nally.

Through roadshows and partnershi­ps, the company not only elevates its profile but also contribute­s to the promotion of Fiji’s rich cultural heritage on a global stage.

One of Resonance Entertainm­ent’s crowning achievemen­ts was the creation of the theme song for Fiji’s Drua Super Rugby Team—a project that encapsulat­ed the essence of Fijian pride and resilience.

Reflecting on the moment, Nalawa said: “The track titled ‘Drua’ stirred excitement among local and global audiences, highlighti­ng music’s ability to unify and uplift.”

Guided by principles of patience, discipline, and unwavering passion, Nalawa navigates the dual roles of business management and artistic expression with finesse.

Despite the demands of a bustling schedule, a commitment to personal creativity and holistic team developmen­t remains paramount.

Within its ranks of over seven full-time staff, Resonance Entertainm­ent fosters a culture of collaborat­ion and innovation through continuous learning and mentorship.

“Our team is our greatest asset,” Nalawa said.

“Through workshops and mentorship programmes, we empower our staff to embrace creativity and excellence in all facets of their work.” Looking to the future, Resonance Entertainm­ent harbours ambitions of global expansion while staying rooted in its Fijian identity. By championin­g local talent and fostering regional partnershi­ps, the company aspires to carry the melody of Fiji to the farthest corners of the world.

“Our slogan, ‘From Fiji to the World,’ encapsulat­es our unwavering commitment to showcasing the richness of Fijian culture on a global stage,” Nalawa said.

“As we continue to grow and evolve, our journey remains intertwine­d with the vibrant rhythms of Fiji, resonating with audiences near and far.”

 ?? ?? Resonance Entertainm­ent director, Apakuki ‘Kuki’ Nalawa.
Resonance Entertainm­ent director, Apakuki ‘Kuki’ Nalawa.
 ?? ?? Tourism Fiji chief executive officer Brent Hill at the Tourism Fiji roadshow in Asia.
Tourism Fiji chief executive officer Brent Hill at the Tourism Fiji roadshow in Asia.

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