Fiji Sun

Civil society, religious groups vital for education sector growth


The lack of contributi­ons from civil society, religious or cultural organisati­ons and committees will hinder the government’s role in providing quality education.

This Minister for Finance Biman Prasad raised the sentiment while officiatin­g at the opening of the three-day Dakshina India Andhra Sangam of Fiji 80th Annual Convention at the Penang Sangam High School in Rakiraki on Friday.

More than 400 branch members from throughout Fiji marked the occasion .

The event will include committee meetings, sporting tournament­s and cultural performanc­es.

“The Education Summit held last year plus the planned Education Commission are testimony of our government’s commitment to working in partnershi­p with the pillars of education providers like this organisati­on to change our education landscape for the better,” he said.

Andhra Sangam is an exemplary example of uniting people to advance common goals and interests.

Its work in the community creates a strong presence in public life, expressing the interests and values of members. He commended the immense contributi­on of the founders of Dakshina India Andhra Sangam to Fiji for their foresight and vision towards establishi­ng the organizati­on.

“It is also befitting that this 80th Annual Convention is held in Rakiraki. This is where the roots are for Dakshina India Andhra Sangam of Fiji,” he said.

“It was formed on April 20, 1941 under the leadership of Alparti Tataiya with the first meeting, conducted at the Gallau Temple in Rakiraki, chaired by Goru Appala Swamy, who was inaugurate­d as the first president.

“For the founders who were the Girmitiya, , language was important for spiritual, cultural and emotional developmen­t. When a language is lost, part of, if not most, of that culture is,” he said. Dakshina India Andhra Sangam to Fiji national president Rajendra Raghlu said: “The organisati­on also looks after the welfare of its members in time in the families and difficulti­es.”

He asked the young members to dedicate their services to the organisati­on and carry the legacy of dedicated, hardworkin­g pioneers.

 ?? Photo: Waisea Nasokia ?? TISI Sangam president Praveen Bala, escorts Wendy McDonalds, Australian High Commission­er Ewen McDonalds in Nadi.
Photo: Waisea Nasokia TISI Sangam president Praveen Bala, escorts Wendy McDonalds, Australian High Commission­er Ewen McDonalds in Nadi.

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