Fiji Sun

What Food to Avoid Eating While Having a Kidney Stone


Having kidney stones can be a harrowing experience. These stones are tiny but solid deposits developing in the kidneys for several reasons like the accumulati­on of minerals and acid salts.

The causes of kidney stones are in multitude and can be detected by certain symptoms, including abdomen pain, vomiting, and blood in the urine.

Kidney stones are complex to remove without surgical interventi­on.

If it becomes intolerabl­e, you should unquestion­ably have a kidney stone removal done by a specialist.

Fortunatel­y, dietary modulation can decrease kidney stone complicati­ons.

But various types of kidney stones can form in your kidney by various substances and underlying hereditary conditions, so it can be challengin­g to determine which foods are healthy for a given kidney stone.

Consult a doctor to find the kind of kidney stone you have and consider making a diet chart accordingl­y.

Keeping yourself hydrated is a great way to manage kidney stones. In minor cases, these stones are flushed out with urine when water consumptio­n is increased.

You can avoid those uncomforta­ble kidney stones and ureteric calculus largely by following a healthy diet.

A kidney stone diet restricts foods that are more likely to promote kidney stones, thereby reducing your risk of developing one.

But before considerin­g a diet change, learn about the food components to avoid to maintain a manageable kidney stone situation.

Below are the food products to be avoided to slow down the developmen­t of kidney stones:Caffeine Spinach

Sodium Berries

Calcium Animal protein

Soft drinks Added sugar

Soy products Takeaway

Source: pathkindla­

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