Fiji Sun

Coral Initiative to Help Tourism SUSTAINABI­LITY


An initiative that highlights the beauty of Yasawa’s coral reefs, is expected to serve as a crucial habitat for marine life and as educationa­l tools and attraction­s for tourists.

Counting Coral, a non-profit organisati­on dedicated to the preservati­on and restoratio­n of coral reef ecosystems, operates through innovative sculptural coral gene banks.

These sculptural gene banks are carefully designed and installed to encourage coral growth, enhance biodiversi­ty and raise awareness about the importance of coral reef conservati­on.

One of Counting Coral’s notable projects included the installati­on of its first sculptural coral gene bank at Blue Lagoon Beach Resort on Nacula Island in the Yasawa Group in 2022.

Building on this success, Counting Coral set to embark on its next venture, the Vomo Project on VOMO Island.

Tourism Fiji partnered with the organisati­on to support sustainabl­e tourism initiative­s while promoting marine conservati­on efforts in Fiji’s waters. “We couldn’t be happier to connect and join forces with the team at Tourism Fiji,” said Counting Corals executive director, Brooke True.

“The security of Fiji’s natural beauty is worth every ounce of effort imaginable.”

Tourism Fiji chief executive officer Srishti Narayan said research showed that consumers desired informatio­n on sustainabi­lity from lodging and transporta­tion providers to make informed decisions.

“By supporting innovative initiative­s like Counting Coral’s sculptural gene banks, Tourism Fiji aims to raise awareness about the importance of coral reef conservati­on while providing unique experience­s for visitors to Fiji,” she said.

The project was designed to host 500 corals for planting.

 ?? ?? Sculptural coral gene banks are expected to become a habitat for marine life and an attraction for tourists.
Sculptural coral gene banks are expected to become a habitat for marine life and an attraction for tourists.

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