Fiji Sun

Elon’s X man

Elon Musk unveils clip of patient implanted with neuraling brainchip using telepathy to play chess on computer just by thinking.


Arizona: Elon Musk has shared stunning footage of the first person to use the Neuralink brain chip to control a computer cursor and play video games just by thinking.

The groundbrea­king patient, paraplegic man Noland Arbaugh, 29, was seen in a video shared to X using only his mind to play a game of chess.

‘See that cursor on the screen? That’s all me... it’s all brainpower’ he said from his wheelchair. Arbaugh said in the clip that he suffered a ‘freak diving accident’ eight years ago that left him paralyzed from the shoulders down. The Arizona man’s successful use of the tech marks a breathtaki­ng developmen­t - and bolsters beliefs from experts that it could revolution­ise care for the disabled. Arbaugh beamed with happiness throughout the clip - showing off the mouse moving side to side across the online chess board while being filmed by an engineer.

Appearing to still be baffled by how the groundbrea­king technology was actually working, Arbaugh likened moving the mouse around the screen to using ‘The Force’ from Star Wars.

‘I’m so freaking lucky to be a part of this, everyday it feels like we’re learning new stuff,’ he said.

Musk announced a month ago that the first person had the chip implanted, and said at the time that he was ‘able to move a mouse around the screen just by thinking.’

‘Progress is good and the patient seems to have made a full recovery, with neural effects that we are aware of,’ Musk said in a Spaces event on X.

Elon reposted the clip of Arbaugh using ‘telepathy’ on Wednesday, along with the caption: ‘Livestream of Neuralink demonstrat­ing ‘Telepathy’ – controllin­g a computer and playing video games just by thinking.’

- Daily Mail

 ?? ?? Elon Musk has hailed the technology as a breathtaki­ng step forward.
Elon Musk has hailed the technology as a breathtaki­ng step forward.

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