Fiji Sun

Fiji-born writer launches book Down Under

The 76 illustrate­d pages were published by Tell Well on February 12, 2024, and are available on Amazon.


Fiji-born writer Millian Llyod Jones has launched her book Milli and Max: An ABC Journey Under the Sea.

The High Commission­er from Fiji to Australia, Ajay Bhai Amrit, officiated at the launch at Florabel, Eden, New South Wales.

The 76 illustrate­d pages were published by Tell Well on February 12, 2024, and are available on Amazon.

Ms Jones said the Milli and Max

children’s books bring her natural storytelli­ng gifts to her love for the sea and all its creatures.

Her work is an imaginativ­e learning tool wrapped in a delightful adventure that will captivate children, but also remind adults that we must protect and preserve our oceans and all their treasures, not just for today’s children but for generation­s to come.

“The book is both a unique alphabet learning book and a treasury of fun facts about each sea creature that will delight children and their parents alike,” she said.

The enchanting world of Milli and Max, where children explore the ocean while practicing the alphabet.

Milli and Max are two adventurou­s green sea turtles from the South Pacific Ocean. Along with their friends LaiLai the Seahorse, Starlight the Starfish, Octavia the Octopus, Jazzy the Jellyfish, and Bubbles the Dolphin, they have lots of fun exploring their underwater world.

“Young readers will join the exploits of Milli and Max and their colourful gang of ocean friends as they follow the alphabet to discover fascinatin­g sea creatures large and small,” she said.

“Richly detailed and engagingly written, this learning storybook is destined to become a children’s classic in the years to come.”

But most importantl­y, the author hopes they will be inspired to care about the sea and all the amazing life it contains. The ocean is our home, too.

A similar event will be held at the First Landing Resort in Vuda, Lautoka, this Saturday.

 ?? Photo: MLY ?? Fiji-born writer Millian Llyod Jones (left), with Fiji High Commission­er to Australia, Ajay Bhai Amrit, at the book launch.
Photo: MLY Fiji-born writer Millian Llyod Jones (left), with Fiji High Commission­er to Australia, Ajay Bhai Amrit, at the book launch.

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