Fiji Sun

Schools receive grants to help students


This year, teachers in the Suva area can apply for funding to ensure their students have access to education experience­s, which include supporting holistic well-being literacy and numeracy initiative­s.

This will be made possible through the FIJI Water Foundation awards Classroom Grants totalling $1.2 million to support nearly 250 local teachers this year. FIJI Water Foundation manager Marie Smith said this Classroom Grant would give all teachers from Suva the opportunit­y to apply for funding to ensure students have access to technology tools, learning incursions, career readiness equipment and the knowledge they need to reach their full potential.

“We continuall­y invest in our communitie­s and are honoured to work with schools across the islands of Fiji to help students learn and grow now and for generation­s to come,” she said.

The FIJI Water Foundation has invested more than $19.5 million in community developmen­t since 2008.

Last year’s recipient, Vilomena Biudei from Namosi Primary School was delighted when her school was selected to receive a grant to equip students with books for their reading corner.

“Our heartfelt appreciati­on to the FIJI Water Foundation for placing its trust in our project,” Ms Biudei said.

Another recipient, Mataiasi Maiciri from Saint Mary’s Primary School was delighted when his school was selected to receive a grant to equip students with innovative IT equipment.

The applicatio­ns for the classrooms grants will be accepted until March 31, 2024, and grant recipients will be announced in April 2024.

To be considered for a classroom grant, applicants must be Ministry of Education-certified educators in Fiji.

Applicatio­ns are not limited to one per school and will be monitored on a teacher-by-teacher basis across the following four categories: Literacy and numeracy: Provide essential learning materials to improve student competenci­es in core subjects (i.e., new books for classroom reading corners). Support mental well-being: Offer experience­s beyond the classroom that promote holistic well-being (i.e., transport and entry fee to visit Kula Eco Park).

Empower Teachers: Supply resources for teachers to foster innovation and enhance student engagement (i.e., science lab biogas system). Elevate education quality: Introduce technology and innovative tools to advance the quality of education (i.e., mini weather station for Physics class).

 ?? Photo: FIJI Water Foundation ?? Vilomena Biudei from Namosi Primary School showed what she had managed to achieve with the grant.
Photo: FIJI Water Foundation Vilomena Biudei from Namosi Primary School showed what she had managed to achieve with the grant.

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