Fiji Sun

Garcia Claims War Against ‘Unknown Forces’

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Ryan Garcia was again overcome with emotion in a video in which he claimed forces are trying to cancel next month’s fight with Devin Haney. The 25-year-old is slated to face rival Haney, the World Boxing Council (WBC) world super lightweigh­t champion, in a much-anticipate­d grudge match on April 20.

But the build-up to the fight has been dominated by concern over Garcia’s well-being.

Over recent weeks, he has posted clips of himself crying over the Palestinia­n-Israel conflict in Gaza before both his X and Instagram accounts were deactivate­d. They have since been reactivate­d. Garcia’s promoter, Oscar De La Hoya, insists that his fighter is in ‘great spirits’ despite the boxer’s behaviour, which has included allegation­s of sexual abuse to his claim that billionair­e Elon Musk is the antichrist.

Garcia even threatened to bite Haney’s ears on April 20 in a nod to Mike Tyson’s infamous 1997 bout with Evander Holyfield.

Now, during a TikTok live, Garcia broke down in tears as he spoke about his faith and alleged attempts to ‘cancel’ next month’s fight.

It comes after Garcia threatened to sue the New York State Athletic Commission for asking him to take a mental health evaluation.

“I love you guys, I hope you guys felt the peace I felt right there. I really do,” Garcia says at the start of the clip- which was reposted online.

“I love you guys. I hope you feel my love. I might cry. I might cry... but only because of the Holy Spirit and the love I feel right now.

“I don’t want to cry but I’m going to cry. I love God so much and I just felt that in my heart. I felt that in my soul.”

Wiping tears from his face, Garcia added: “I’ve been going through a lot lately, I’ve been feeling a lot of hurt because I tried myself, I tried my hardest to share all the love that he gave me and I tried to help out the kids. I tried my best and everybody tried to break me down.

“They tried to make me stop, they tried to cancel my fight and I was trying to do something good.

“I put everything on the line and they judge me hard but I kept going. I’m strong. People can say that I cried and what not and they think it’s a problem. Well come see me... I just want to show you that I love you guys and I appreciate every one of you.”

Garcia later hit out at one social media account that re-posted the video, rubbishing suggestion­s that the clip reflected any ‘mental instabilit­y.’

“Those who know the Holy Spirit will make a grown man cry. I was worshippin­g God on my TikTok live with my community. I love God and you titled this as if I was crying due to mental instabilit­y. I find it distastefu­l, and disrespect­ful to my beliefs. But again get your clicks and views,” he said.

 ?? ?? Ryan Garcia.
Ryan Garcia.

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