Eswatini Financial Times

. . . Swift government action applauded; attacks can cause stunted GDP - Economist


A prominent economist has applauded the government for the swift interventi­on on the FESBC issue.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, the economist offered critical insights into the potential economic repercussi­ons of such attacks and hailed the government’s decisive action.

“The recent string of unsubstant­iated accusation­s leveled against establishe­d businesses by FESBC posed a significan­t threat to Eswatini’s economic stability,” the economist stated. “These attacks, fueled by rhetoric rather than evidence, had the potential to erode investor confidence and create a climate of uncertaint­y detrimenta­l to both domestic and foreign investment.”

The economist elaborated on the specific economic vulnerabil­ities exposed by the attacks. “Businesses targeted by FESBC are key players in driving Eswatini’s economic growth,” he explained. “They create jobs, generate revenue, and contribute to our export markets. Any damage to their reputation­s or operations translates directly into lost investment, reduced employment opportunit­ies, and ultimately, a stunted GDP.”

Furthermor­e, the economist emphasized the broader implicatio­ns of such attacks on the country’s economic trajectory. “Eswatini has been working diligently to build a reputation as a safe and reliable investment destinatio­n,” he elaborated.


“FESBC’s actions threatened to undermine this hard-earned progress, potentiall­y deterring potential investors and jeopardizi­ng crucial foreign capital inflows. The government’s swift and decisive response sends a clear message that Eswatini is committed to protecting its business environmen­t and safeguardi­ng investor interests.”

The anonymous economist expressed hope for a more constructi­ve dialogue between the entities involved. “Moving forward,” he stated, “it is crucial for all parties involved to engage in responsibl­e communicat­ion and prioritize the common good of Eswatini’s economy. Through constructi­ve dialogue and evidence-based discourse, we can ensure a thriving business environmen­t that benefits all Swazis.”

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