Eswatini Financial Times

UK Visitor VISA to allow additional business activity


Starting January 31, 2024, the United Kingdom will introduce significan­t changes to its Visitor VISAs, allowing additional business activities. According to the updated immigratio­n rules published by the UK government. Under the new guidelines, visitors will be allowed to continue to work for an overseas employer while staying in the UK.

Neverthele­ss, the primary intent of their visit must be tourism, visiting family, or engaging in another non-work-related activity. Also, the remote work.


Key expansions to the Visitor Visa activities include that visitors holding the client’s work eligibilit­y can engage in client work under certain conditions. These conditions include working in a company with branches both in the UK and abroad, where client work forms a small part of their job overseas and is essential for a project or service by their employer’s UK branch. Notably, the project should not be delivered directly to a UK client by the visitor’s employer.

“Visitors to the UK can work, but remote work shouldn’t be their main purpose. Those in the UK temporaril­y can engage in work activities as long as it aligns with the purpose of their visit, promoting a balance between travel and profession­al engagement­s” the UK government states.

The UK government further mentions that Scientists, Researcher­s, and Academics who are Profession­als in these fields can conduct research in the UK, except for academics applying for a 12-month visit visa or extending permission from within the country.

There are also expanded activities for lawyers on visitor visas, as they can now participat­e in additional activities in the UK, including giving advice, acting as an expert witness, participat­ing in arbitratio­ns, legal proceeding­s, and teaching.

Effective immediatel­y, speakers on visitor visas in the UK can now receive payment for their talks. This policy change opens new opportunit­ies for paid engagement­s, enhancing the experience for both speakers and audiences alike.

The UK government also mentioned that the Merger of Permitted Paid Engagement (PPE) visitor route will be integrated into the Standard Visitor route. Individual­s engaged in paid activities will not require a separate visa, but they must plan their activities within 30 days of arrival.

These changes, particular­ly the allowance for remote work, are expected to enhance business and tourism in the United Kingdom. Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt had previously committed to expanding business visitor rules to enable a broader range of permitted activities and paid engagement­s, with the changes set to take effect in January 2024. Further reforms to business visitor rules are also anticipate­d in 2024.

It is worth noting that the Kingdom of Eswatini is a friend of the UK as they positively contribute to the UK health sector.

This was cited by the British High Commission­er to Eswatini, Simon Boyden when speaking at an event to mark the commenceme­nt of interviews for nurses who applied to work in the UK. The interviews were hosted by NEU Profession­als, an Internatio­nal Recruitmen­t agency for the health sector.


“I believe that this is an opportunit­y that can be mutually advantageo­us both to the UK health sector, and in this case to the Northeast London NHS Foundation Trust, but also Eswatini and emaSwati,”

He added that it was especially beneficial to younger nurses to help them gain experience in the health field. Boyden’s words were echoed by NEU Profession­als who also gave more details on the recruitmen­t exercise.

Eswatini stands to benefit from the UK’s revised Visitor VISA policies in several ways. The allowance for remote work and expanded profession­al activities creates opportunit­ies for emaSwati profession­als, particular­ly in fields like science, research, academics, and law, to engage in collaborat­ive projects, gain expertise, and contribute to internatio­nal endeavours.

 ?? ?? ▲ Starting January 31, 2024, the United Kingdom will introduce significan­t changes to its Visitor VISAs, allowing additional business activities.
▲ Starting January 31, 2024, the United Kingdom will introduce significan­t changes to its Visitor VISAs, allowing additional business activities.

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