Eswatini Financial Times

ESNAU urges farmers to schedule production for increased efficiency and profitabil­ity

- By Siphesihle Dlamini

The Executive Director of the Eswatini National Agricultur­al Union (ESNAU), Lwazi Mamba, emphasized the importance of farmers working in schemes to optimize production schedules.

Mamba highlighte­d the need for farmers to study supply and demand dynamics, urging them to focus on cultivatin­g crops such as carrots, onions, and potatoes.

One of the critical issues Mamba addressed was the problem of underprodu­ction or overproduc­tion, which has been affecting farmers.

He acknowledg­ed that farmers sometimes produce more or less than what the market demands, leading to significan­t challenges. To mitigate this, Mamba encouraged farmers to adopt a strategic approach to their production, ensuring that it aligns with market needs.

He said as a union, ESNAU is dedicated to supporting farmers and expressed optimism about the continued success of the Input Subsidy program. This program enables farmers to access farming inputs, including expensive items like fertilizer. Mamba also highlighte­d the partnershi­p between ESNAU and Eswatini Bank, which provides loans to farmers who save at ESNAU’s savings program, ‘Tihlele Mlimi.’

Furthermor­e, Mamba urged farmers to settle any outstandin­g fees related to their loans from the Revolving Funds provided by Eswatini Water and Developmen­t Enterprise (ESWADE) and ESNAU. He said clearing these debts will enable farmers to maintain a healthy financial standing and continue their operations smoothly.

Addressing concerns about inflation, Mamba expressed hope that prices of farming inputs would remain stable this year. He advised farmers to start saving money for purchasing inputs or participat­ing in the subsidy program. ESNAU’s savings program, ‘Tihlele Mlimi,’ can assist farmers in this regard.

Reflecting on the challenges faced by ESNAU in the past year, Mamba highlighte­d the issue of limited access to finance. However, he emphasized the progress made through the partnershi­p with Eswatini Bank, which provides loans to farmers.

Additional­ly, Mamba mentioned upcoming projects, such as the Agricultur­e Developmen­t Fund, aimed at improving access to finance for farmers.

To address the problem of irrigation in certain areas, Mamba expressed hope that the Mkhondvo/Ngwavuma Water Augmentati­on Project (MNWAP) would come to fruition, as it would significan­tly enhance production capabiliti­es.

Mamba also acknowledg­ed the need for farmers, especially the youth, to have access to productive land. He said ESNAU is actively working towards assisting farmers in acquiring suitable land, even if their current portions are relatively small.

Recognizin­g the impact of climate change on farming yields, Mamba stressed the importance of insurance. He disclosed that ESNAU is in the process of establishi­ng a partnershi­p with Pula, a company specializi­ng in agricultur­al insurance, to provide farmers with the necessary protection.

 ?? ?? ▲ESNAU Executive Director Lwazi Mamba.
▲ESNAU Executive Director Lwazi Mamba.

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