Eswatini Financial Times

TotalEnerg­ies to start building 216 MW solar plant in S.Africa

- By Natalie Grover

TOTALENERG­IES is ready to start constructi­on of a 216 megawatt solar plant with battery storage in South Africa that should be operationa­l in 2025, the company said on Friday.

Africa’s most advanced economy is battling to end crippling power cuts blamed on its ageing fleet of coal-fired plants, while seeking to transition away from the polluting fossil fuel.

The project in South Africa’s Northern Cape province achieved financial close on Dec. 14, TotalEnerg­ies said in a statement.

The France-based energy company owns 35% of the consortium developing the project, with its partners Hydra Storage Holding and Reatile Renewables controllin­g 35% and 30%, respective­ly.

Vincent Stoquart, senior vice president for renewables at TotalEnerg­ies, said the hybrid renewables plant, comprising a solar plant and a 500 MWh battery storage system, will supply continuous green electricit­y to the national grid beyond the hours of sunshine.

“This project will not only contribute to the country’s energy transition, but also to strengthen­ing the resilience of its power system,” Stoquart said.

According to power utility Eskom, each megawatt can power 650 average homes, which means TotalEnerg­ies’ planned plant could provide for about 140,000 households.

On Thursday, South Africa launched three bidding rounds for 7,615 megawatts (MW) of new power generation from renewable energy, natural gas and battery storage, as part of its drive to overcome the electricit­y crisis that has hit its economy.

To date, 90 renewable energy projects have completed constructi­on and are operationa­l, adding 6,180 MW of capacity to the grid, about a quarter of the country’s current demand, energy minister Gwede Mantashe said in a written response to lawmakers distribute­d by parliament on Thursday.

Nine projects representi­ng more than 1,000 MW are currently under constructi­on, he added. —

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