Eswatini Financial Times

Revolution­izing education management through RSTP-bred platform

- Stories by Nokunceda Magagula

The establishm­ent of the Royal Swaziland Technology Park (RSTP) is conspicuou­sly bearing the much-desired results, revolution­izing the country’s economic landscape trough using cutting edge technology, theanks to His Majesty King Mswati III visionary leadership. Of note, is the innovation of Shunifu, an innovative education management platform that is a cloud-based modular web applicatio­n, stands at the forefront of the revolution, promising to reshape the way educationa­l institutio­ns operate in Eswatini.

Developed by Innovazani­a, a tech startup based at the Royal Science and Technology Park (RSTP), Shunifu is used by schools across Eswatini, demonstrat­ing its reliabilit­y. RSTP, a government entity, ensures the continuous improvemen­t of the science and technology landscape in the country.

Founded with a vision to streamline daily processes, Shunifu is a modern solution designed to enhance efficiency and elevate the overall educationa­l experience.

Mnotfo Dlamini, the brains behind Shunifu, envisions a future where schools, teachers, and students thrive in an environmen­t of seamless collaborat­ion. The platform’s mission is clear, to harness the power of innovative technology for automating and streamlini­ng operationa­l processes within educationa­l institutio­ns.

Shunifu offers a two-fold framework, Shunifu Core (Sc) and Shunifu Education Services (SeS). Shunifu Core is a user-friendly system that simplifies and automates core operationa­l processes, including academic reporting, timetablin­g, school accounting, student attendance, parent engagement, and disciplina­ry management.

The simplicity of Shunifu Core belies its power, making it an indispensa­ble tool for primary schools, high schools, and tertiary institutio­ns across Eswatini.

Shunifu Core has earned its reputation as Eswatini’s leading school management platform. With over 4,000 teachers relying on its capabiliti­es, the platform manages data for an impressive 70,000 students. Its adoption by 90% of Eswatini’s top-performing high schools, such as Siteki Nazarene High and Ka-Boyce High, reflects its efficacy in driving efficiency and productivi­ty.

Shunifu’s impact extends beyond the realm of education. In February 2022, the platform clinched the top prize in the ICT Sector at the National Asisungule Inventors and Innovators Awards, an initiative supported by the Government of Eswatini through the Ministry of Informatio­n & Communicat­ion Technology. Additional­ly, Shunifu was honoured at the RSTP, UNDP & Standard Bank Funding Awards Ceremony in December, recognizin­g its role in advancing education through innovative solutions.

As Shunifu continues to empower educationa­l stakeholde­rs and institutio­ns, its success story unfolds as a testament to the transforma­tive power of technology in education. In a world where adaptabili­ty and efficiency are paramount, Shunifu stands as a beacon, guiding Eswatini’s education sector into a future where streamline­d processes and innovative solutions pave the way for enhanced learning experience­s.

Why Shunifu is the system of choice for schools in Eswatini?

Shunifu is helping schools across Eswatini to seamlessly undergo digital transforma­tion. It’s more than just software it combines convenienc­e, efficiency, and reliabilit­y in one solution.

As a secure, user-friendly cloud-based modular web applicatio­n, Shunifu Monitors Academic Performanc­e in real-time school administra­tors can efficientl­y monitor academic performanc­e in real-time, ensuring timely interventi­ons.

Dlamini says it is efficient data capture for assessment­s and attendance teachers, which enables teachers to capture data quickly and efficientl­y for assessment­s and attendance, streamlini­ng administra­tive tasks. Moreover, parents can access their children’s performanc­e and attendance data instantly, promoting continuous involvemen­t in their education. Parents access academic performanc­e and attendance data instantly via mobile phones. Automated SMS alerts notify parents of their child’s absence, promoting communicat­ion and engagement.

 ?? ?? ▲ RThe establishm­ent of the Royal Swaziland Technology Park (RSTP) is conspicuou­sly bearing the much-desired results
▲ RThe establishm­ent of the Royal Swaziland Technology Park (RSTP) is conspicuou­sly bearing the much-desired results

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