Eswatini Financial Times

With EU support, Red Cross delivers much-needed emergency relief

- By EFT Reporter

The climate emergency is upon us. When disaster strikes, immediate response to alleviate suffering and reduce damage is paramount.

Investment­s in preparedne­ss, prevention and early warning are crucial to save lives and prevent losses.

Last year, the European Union (EU), through its humanitari­an assistance arm ECHO (European Civil Protection and Humanitari­an Aid Operations) and the Red Cross family joined forces to embark on a new and ambitious partnershi­p: a threeyear pilot programme built on common strategic priorities and focused on local action in humanitari­an and health crises in Southern Africa.

In Eswatini, the EU has partnered with the Baphalali Red Cross and the Finnish Red Cross to make communitie­s better prepared and more resilient to climate change-induced natural disasters and health risks.

Under this partnershi­p, volunteers, local communitie­s and first responders were trained and emergency response assets were pre-positioned to increase preparedne­ss and ability to swiftly respond to disasters. The Baphalali Eswatini Red Cross has a trained national response team of staff and volunteers to be on the ground after disaster; and assess the needs and damage to quantify the immediate needs.

The recent hailstorm caused havoc in many communitie­s and has had extremely devastatin­g effects on many people. It left houses damaged, livestock dead and the livelihood­s of many people compromise­d. For Baphalali Eswatini Red Cross Society it was time to hit the ground running to save lives and dignify those who had been left homeless due to the hailstorm. This was possible, thanks to the partnershi­p with the EU/ECHO and the preparator­y actions on the ground. A National Response Team was activated and dispatched to respond immediatel­y. This is a specialise­d squad of volunteers and staff members who are specifical­ly trained in humanitari­an response during emergencie­s and crises. The over fifty-five (55) response team members were immediatel­y deployed to assist affected population­s in the following constituen­cies: Mafutseni, Mtfongwane­ni, Khubuta, Nkwene, Sandleni, Hosea and Gilgal. 255 households have already been reached with support.

With the support of the European Union in Eswatini, the emergency relief materials immediatel­y provided were as follows: 213 Tarpaulins, 2 Tents and roofing materials have been procured but not yet distribute­d pending finalisati­on of assessment. Preliminar­y findings of the assessment­s reflect that 6481 people in 1125 Households were affected.


Solidarity is among the main values on which the European Union is built. Globally, despite the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine and over 5 million Ukrainians seeking shelter in the EU or neighbouri­ng countries, the EU with its 27 Member States remains the largest global humanitari­an actor. Prevention and preparedne­ss are vitally important in a climate emergency when often the most vulnerable are hit the hardest by natural disasters and health risks. • Communitie­s must be better prepared to

prevent, detect and respond to epidemics. The programmat­ic partnershi­p will strengthen epidemic and pandemic preparedne­ss through local action and volunteer networks that are best placed for surveillan­ce, early detection and early response to disease outbreaks and other health risks. • Covid-19, climate-related disasters and

conflict have left vulnerable communitie­s at even greater risk and displaced more people. With the pilot Programmat­ic Partnershi­p, the EU and the Red Cross Red Crescent network are joining forces to effectivel­y assess, understand and respond to their priority needs. • The way we respond to crises is changing.

Investment in preparedne­ss, reducing risks and ensuring communitie­s are better able to cope before an emergency happens as well as anticipato­ry action are crucial – the Programmat­ic Partnershi­p allows exactly that, putting local responders at the heart of building stronger communitie­s. • Climate change has a disproport­ionate

impact on the world’s most vulnerable communitie­s. The Programmat­ic Partnershi­p will provide support that is cross-cutting and longer-term, to ensure communitie­s can withstand future crises, from epidemics to disasters. • We are in this together. The solidarity

expressed now by EU citizens will protect people in the future. Reducing the risk of disasters, building health knowledge and systems to respond to epidemics and pandemics.

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 ?? ?? ▲ Beneficiar­ies accepting emergency relief parcels from Red Cross personel. (Inset) Damaged roofing by the recent hailstorm that hit the Manzini region.
▲ Beneficiar­ies accepting emergency relief parcels from Red Cross personel. (Inset) Damaged roofing by the recent hailstorm that hit the Manzini region.

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