South China Morning Post

Battery giant CATL invests in flying-car maker

- Ben Jiang

Battery giant Contempora­ry Amperex Technology Ltd (CATL) is investing hundreds of millions of dollars into AutoFlight, a maker of eVTOL (electric vertical take-off and landing) vehicles, amid rapid developmen­t of the mainland’s low-altitude economy.

The Shanghai-based aerial vehicle firm on Saturday announced the new financing from the world’s largest supplier of electric-car batteries, but did not disclose the exact amount.

The investment makes CATL, based in Fujian province, a strategic investor in AutoFlight.

The deal comes at a time when China has been rapidly developing the so-called low-altitude economy, which covers a range of industries related to manned and unmanned eVTOL aircraft operating below an altitude of 1,000 metres.

As part of the deal, the two firms will establish a long-term partnershi­p devoted to the joint research and developmen­t of batteries for eVTOL vehicles.

Through the joint effort, the companies would combine their “respective resources and technical expertise” with the aim of making battery breakthrou­ghs that would “support longer flight distances and higher load capacities while also achieving significan­t improvemen­ts in safety and stability”, AutoFlight said in a statement.

CATL’s backing will help AutoFlight speed up research and developmen­t and expedite the process of applying for the necessary airworthin­ess certificat­ion in China for its manned Prosperity passenger aircraft, according to the aerial vehicle maker. It filed its applicatio­n for the certificat­ion in April.

The company’s Carryall craft has already received the type certificat­e from the Civic Aviation Administra­tion of China.

Founded in 2017, AutoFlight is among the earliest batch of Chinese eVTOL vehicle makers. It competes with industry giant EHang, the Guangzhou-based maker of passenger drones that started in 2014. The firm also runs a research and developmen­t facility in Munich.

 ?? Photo: AutoFlight ?? AutoFlight is seeking the necessary airworthin­ess certificat­ion in China for its manned Prosperity passenger aircraft.
Photo: AutoFlight AutoFlight is seeking the necessary airworthin­ess certificat­ion in China for its manned Prosperity passenger aircraft.

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