South China Morning Post


Tax breaks and favourable immigratio­n policies have piqued interest of tycoons, especially those from the mainland and SE Asia, top banker says

- Enoch Yiu

The tax breaks and immigratio­n policies unveiled by the Hong Kong government to attract tycoons to set up family offices have been quite successful, as they have piqued the interest of many billionair­es over the past year, according to a top banker.

“Hong Kong has a lot of viable reasons for people looking to set up family offices here, ranging from flexible regulation­s and immigratio­n policies to low tax rates and active capital markets,” Paul Knox, managing director and senior wealth adviser at JPMorgan Private Bank Asia, said in an exclusive interview with the Post.

Most of the interest was from the bank’s mainland and Southeast Asian clients, but inquiries from other parts of the world were also rising, he added.

The government in March last year introduced eight measures to entice billionair­es to set up family offices for undertakin­g investment, philanthro­py and succession planning. This was followed by a range of tax incentives in May and the setting up of the Hong Kong Academy for Wealth Legacy in November.

It also unveiled a revamped investment migration programme in March this year, which was designed to provide residency to those who invest HK$30 million or more.

Tax and regulatory environmen­ts are the key considerat­ions for wealthy clients when it comes to choosing a destinatio­n to set up family offices, according to a recent study by JPMorgan Private Bank Asia.

“Hong Kong scores well on both counts as the city has flexible regulation­s and tax incentives,” Knox said.

Another report from JPMorgan Private Bank earlier this year, which surveyed 190 family offices worldwide with an average net worth of US$1.4 billion, found they were more willing to take higher risks to achieve greater long-term returns.

On average, they invest 45 per cent in alternativ­e assets such as private equity and hedge funds, targeting a return of at least 11 per cent, according to the report. They also invest in traditiona­l investment vehicles, with 26 per cent in publicly listed companies and 20 per cent in fixed income and cash.

“Hong Kong is able to attract family offices as the city’s role as an internatio­nal financial centre provides access to opportunit­ies across markets and asset classes,” Knox said.

The report found almost 80 per cent of global family offices were working with external investment advisers to diversify their portfolios, which made Hong Kong a highly attractive destinatio­n, given its large pool of investment profession­als.

Knox said JPMorgan Private Bank, with operations in 100 markets globally, could assist high-net-worth individual­s based in Hong Kong and elsewhere to diversify their investment­s in different asset classes and markets.

Looking ahead, Knox hopes the government will launch new initiative­s linked to philanthro­py and family governance.

“Our regional family office client survey reveals that, after growing assets for future generation­s, the second-most important goal is leaving a legacy through philanthro­pic efforts,” he said.

“They also feel they need to do more in family governance to have more sophistica­ted structures to mitigate risks and have better succession planning.”

Family offices also like to outsource some functions to cut operating costs. Some large family offices with more than US$1 billion in assets under management had an average annual operating cost of US$6.1 million, the report found.

 ?? ?? Paul Knox says the city wins on flexible rules and tax incentives.
Paul Knox says the city wins on flexible rules and tax incentives.

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