South China Morning Post



(May 22-June 21) You may be eager to get started on plans you’ve made in the past few weeks but don’t be too hasty. There is plenty of time to make your mark on the world. A lot of small steps equal one big leap forward.


(June 22-July 23) The sun’s transit of the most sensitive area of your chart from tomorrow will reveal your weak points. It’s pointless trying to hide them. On the contrary, embrace them – and so turn them into strengths.


(July 24-Aug 23) New ideas and ways of looking at the world will challenge the way you think, and that’s good as your mind has been in a rut. To some a change of mind might be a sign of shame but with you it is a sign of maturity.


(Aug 24-Sept 23) You’ll have a lot of dealings with influentia­l people in the weeks ahead so make sure you give a good impression. If they like what they see it’s possible – even probable – you’ll soon be climbing the ladder of success.


(Sept 24-Oct 23) The sun in your fellow air sign of Gemini will make you hugely forceful – no way will you let others get all the acclaim. You know you’re special so jump on the stage and show the world what star quality looks like.


(Oct 24-Nov 22) Money may be important but don’t let it take over your life. Issues relating to wealth will dominate in the weeks ahead making it easy to think nothing else matters, but wealth only has meaning if you have love.


(Nov 23-Dec 21) With the sun focusing on partnershi­ps from tomorrow you must make a special effort to be nice – to everyone who crosses your path. The good vibes you give out will come back to you many times over.


(Dec 22-Jan 20) You’ll be tempted to burn the candle at both ends but is that wise? The sun may be highlighti­ng the work area of your chart but it also relates to your well-being, so remember: if it’s not fun, it’s not good.


(Jan 21-Feb 19) The sun in sympatheti­c Gemini will boost your energy and enthusiasm for creative activities. Put family and financial worries behind you and focus on things that make you feel good about yourself.


(Feb 20-Mar 20) As the sun enters a sensitive area of your chart you could get excitable. Let your feelings show but don’t lose control or strong feelings might come at you. You’re not the only one who can throw tantrums.


(Mar 21-April 20) You’ve much to be proud of but few know what you’ve achieved recently. That will change with the sun focusing on communicat­ion. Shout about your triumphs. Let the world know you can shake it with the best.


(April 21-May 21) Think before acting on a deal that could make you a lot of money – or cost you a lot. The sun’s focus on finances will give you an eye for a deal but could also make you greedy, and that’s where the danger is.

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