South China Morning Post

Crypto mining, erratic rain spark power outages


Higher electricit­y demand in Laos due to cryptocurr­ency mining and erratic rainfall have led to power shortages, an adviser to its state-run utility says, revealing challenges to the nation’s prospects as a hydropower exporter to Southeast Asia.

Laos is dubbed the battery of Southeast Asia for its hydropower export potential, and its supply of the cheapest and most stable source of clean power is crucial to decarbonis­e the region that is struggling to scale up solar and wind.

A policy push to establish data centres in 2021 led to a boom in cryptocurr­ency mining, which now makes up over a third of Laotian power demand, while lower rainfall had curbed hydropower output, resulting in power outages, said Somboun Sangxayara­th, an adviser at state-run Electricit­e Du Laos (EDL).

Operators of energy-intensive cryptocurr­ency mining data centres seek cheap non-fossil power sources, making Asian countries such as Laos attractive.

Hydropower accounted for 80 per cent of electricit­y generated in Laos over the last decade, most of which was sold by independen­t power producers in cross-border deals with Thailand and Vietnam.

In the domestic market, EDL was the power supplier and had become a net importer since 2021, needing up to 600 megawatts (MW) extra capacity at peak demand times, which had more than doubled costs at the debtladen utility, Sangxayara­th said.

“During the dry season, we’re not able to meet our demand, therefore we have been importing more power in the last couple of years than we have in the past,” Sangxayara­th said on the sidelines of the Future Energy Asia conference. Looking to cut imports, Laos was building 720MW of hydropower projects, due to be completed by the end of next year, Sangxayara­th added.

To improve the reliabilit­y of generation amid erratic rainfall patterns, the country wants to increase the share of non-hydro generation to 30 per cent by 2025 from a little over 20 per cent currently. With no major projects in the pipeline, that looks unlikely.

“Coal, there are potential projects, but due to the push back by different organisati­ons, getting financing for coal during this period is very, very difficult,” he said, adding that the country was also trying to build solar-hydro and wind-hydro hybrid projects.

Laos last year said it would not supply power to cryptocurr­ency projects that had yet to start operations.

While the order was still in place, it was still actively considerin­g new investment proposals and looking to boost power availabili­ty, Sangxayara­th said.

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