South China Morning Post


More than 30 executives from state banks and insurers netted in first five months of year, tally shows

- William Zheng

More than 30 state regulators, bankers and senior financial executives have been detained so far this year, a tally by the Post shows, as the top corruption watchdog continues a sweeping crackdown in response to President Xi Jinping’s call to make China a “financial superpower”.

Analysts expect more heads to roll as Beijing is determined to stamp out any risks linked to financial corruption and maintain stability. They said graftbuste­rs were going after officials accused of colluding with bankers and executives to approve loans in exchange for kickbacks and other favours.

The latest to fall was Lou Wenlong, 66, a former vice-president of state-owned Agricultur­al Bank of China.

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI), the top anti-corruption agency, has posted on its website that Lou was under investigat­ion for “serious violations of party discipline and the law” – a familiar euphemism for corruption. Lou was in charge of handling bad debts at the bank until he retired in 2017.

According to the Post’s tally, 17 of those netted in the past five months were senior managers of state-held banks or their regional branches. Among these, four were retired officials of China Developmen­t Bank: former vice-president Li Jiping, former Shandong and Jilin provincial branch bosses Yu Zeshui and Zhang Chi, and former Qinghai branch vice-president Wang Zhun.

As one of the country’s three policy lenders, CDB is tasked with financing large-scale government developmen­t projects. It has become embroiled in several corruption scandals in recent decades. In one of the most high-profile cases, former chairman Hu Huaibang was sentenced to life in prison in 2021 for taking 85.5 million yuan (HK$92.3 million) in bribes.

In the latest crackdown, 11 senior managers of the stateowned Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Constructi­on Bank, and Bank of China have been placed under investigat­ion. Along with Agricultur­al Bank, these lenders make up the “Big Four” central to China’s banking sector.

State insurers are also under scrutiny. Liu Anlin, former president of China Life Insurance Group; Sun Jian, former deputy general manager of the Guangxi provincial branch of the People’s Insurance Company of China; and Du Jintao, former general manager of the Shenzhen branch of China Taiping Life Insurance, are also under investigat­ion.

Xie Maosong, a senior researcher at Tsinghua University’s National Institute of Strategic Studies, said those with the power to approve large sums of commercial loans were always prominent targets for bribery as “the returns on such bribes might be [up to] a hundred times more”.

“We can see from past CCDI cases that businesses, especially property developers, would bribe bankers for loans to finance their projects,” Xie said.

“When the projects go sour, the loans become bad debts to be absorbed by the banks.

“But the bank loans are actually the people’s hard-earned savings, so the losses because of financial corruption are actually like stealing from the public.”

Cases involving regulators have accounted for only about 10 per cent of CCDI investigat­ions in the finance sector, but their impact can be far-reaching. Analysts said some of these regulators were well-known public figures and their downfall had jolted the sector.

One example is the fall of Ren Chunsheng, who led the preparator­y work to set up the Complaint Mediation Centre of the new National Financial Regulatory Administra­tion (NFRA).

A CCDI notice on May 7 said Ren had been detained for “serious violations of party discipline and the law”.

Ren, 55, became a leading figure in the insurance industry after serving for decades at the former China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, replaced by the NFRA last May. He was appointed chairman of China Insurance Investment Co Ltd in 2019 and later chaired the Shanghai Insurance Exchange.

Just two weeks before Ren’s detention, the CCDI announced that Yao Qian, director of the technology supervisio­n department at the China Securities Regulatory Commission, had also been detained for a corruption investigat­ion.

Yao’s fall was a bombshell for China’s digital and cryptocurr­ency world, because he was once hailed as the “crypto man” at the country’s central bank. The nickname was due to his stint as the first director of the People’s Bank of China digital currency research institute, which studied the developmen­t of digital yuan, although China bans cryptocurr­ency outside the state sector.

 ?? ?? Lou Wenlong, 66, is under investigat­ion for corruption.
Lou Wenlong, 66, is under investigat­ion for corruption.

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