South China Morning Post

More intercultu­ral dialogue can help bridge any divides


The recent case of vandalism targeting the homes of ethnic minority families in a Kwai Chung housing estate may well be an isolated incident. The despicable acts, which included leaving waste and rubbish outside flats and hurling bags filled with water from a height at children who were playing, have no place in Hong Kong. Police have since arrested an individual suspected of carrying out these acts.

While these incidents are rare and extreme, and would no doubt be universall­y decried by all Hong Kong residents, I wonder if stronger community cohesion could further prevent future occurrence­s.

At the Equal Opportunit­ies Commission (EOC), we have long pushed for more platforms to encourage social interactio­ns of people from different cultural and ethnic communitie­s, which can make the shift from parallel existence to harmonious, respectful and enjoyable coexistenc­e.

Having a friendly chat with a neighbour, classmate or fellow passenger in everyday settings is a powerful first step to dispelling biases and misconcept­ions that may have formed through years of social conditioni­ng.

The World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Developmen­t next Tuesday serves as a timely reminder of the need for more understand­ing and cooperatio­n to bridge cultural divides.

We need to facilitate more people-to-people interactio­ns to build connection­s. In my conversati­on with Kowloon City district councillor Dr Rizwan

Ullah, also a member of the EOC, he attributed his fluent Cantonese and understand­ing of local culture to his childhood friendship with ethnic Chinese kids he met at neighbourh­ood football pitches. His story speaks to the power of sports in breaking barriers and cultivatin­g a sense of belonging.

The Racial Diversity and Inclusion Sports Day we held recently is an example of using sport as a platform to break down stereotype­s. Some local NGOs and clubs have also been forming mixed teams of Chinese and ethnic minorities in football, basketball and running.

We believe this approach can be expanded and adapted to further strengthen intercultu­ral community relations and foster inclusive community building. We hope community and district leaders will take up the task.

Linda Lam, chairperso­n, Equal Opportunit­ies Commission

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