South China Morning Post

Ex-military lawyer jailed for leak of Afghan files

Secret defence papers alleging Australian atrocities handed to public broadcaste­r


An Australian judge sentenced a former army lawyer to more than five years in prison yesterday for stealing secret defence files on the Afghanista­n war and leaking them to the media.

David McBride, who pleaded guilty last November to three charges of stealing and sharing military informatio­n, was given five years and eight months’ imprisonme­nt, Australian media reports said.

McBride must serve a minimum of two years and three months before being eligible for parole, they said, after the ruling by Justice David Mossop in Canberra.

Public broadcaste­r ABC said it used the leaked material for the

Afghan Files, a 2017 series alleging that Australian soldiers were involved in the illegal killings of unarmed men and children in Afghanista­n.

McBride’s lawyer, Mark Davis, said outside the court that he would be launching an appeal, a decision greeted by applause from a gathering of supporters.

The appeal would be based on the question of what “duty” meant, he said.

McBride’s guilty plea last November was over military informatio­n that he had stolen and then leaked to journalist­s at broadcaste­r ABC.

He made the plea after his lawyers reportedly failed to convince the judge that his oath of military service gave him a duty to reveal informatio­n if it was in the public interest.

After the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, more than 26,000 uniformed Australian personnel were sent to Afghanista­n to fight alongside United States and allied forces against the Taliban, al-Qaeda and other Islamist groups.

Australian combat troops left the country in 2013, but since then a series of often-brutal accounts have emerged about the conduct of Australia’s elite special forces units.

They range from reports of troops killing a six-year-old child in a house raid, to a dead foe’s hand being severed and a prisoner being shot dead to save space in a helicopter.

The ABC’s Afghan Files revelation­s led police to investigat­e its reporter Daniel Oakes and his producer Sam Clark for obtaining classified informatio­n – even raiding the broadcaste­r’s Sydney headquarte­rs – before dropping the case.

In November 2020, a yearslong public inquiry reported that Australian special forces had unlawfully killed 39 civilians and prisoners in Afghanista­n, including by summary execution as part of initiation rituals.

It recommende­d that 19 individual­s be referred to the Australian Federal Police, compensati­on be paid to the families of victims and that the military carry out a number of reforms.

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