South China Morning Post

Local firms beating big rivals to win Asia’s talent

Municipal programmes to help businesses compete are bearing fruit


Municipal government­s in Japan are working to attract informatio­n technology engineers from across Asia to support local businesses faced with fierce competitio­n from their more powerful, big-city competitor­s.

Projects designed to help small and midsize companies lacking the resources and reach to recruit informatio­n technology engineers have become increasing­ly valuable, although an unwillingn­ess to experiment is preventing many local government­s from engaging with overseas talent.

Eyemovic Inc, an IT company based in the city of Matsuyama, is one of the companies that needed help, which in its case was provided by Ehime prefecture in hiring a Nepalese engineer last spring.

Founded in 2005, Eyemovic operates with a workforce of about 50 and has branch offices in Kagawa, Kochi and Tokushima – the other three of the four prefecture­s on the western main island of Shikoku – as well as in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam.

“Competitio­n with the big IT companies to recruit engineers is extremely fierce,” said Kenichiro Morimoto, the 45-year-old president of the regionally based software provider.

Recent Cabinet Secretaria­t data showed some 60 per cent of IT engineers in Japan were in the Tokyo metropolit­an area, and almost 90 per cent of domestic companies surveyed said they were struggling to hire the people they needed.

Although recruitmen­t of Japan-based foreign personnel is a solution to the problem, most companies lack the necessary know-how to create such opportunit­ies on their own.

While India is known as an IT powerhouse, Indian engineers are much in demand around the world. The Ehime government therefore looked towards India’s neighbour, Nepal.

“Although Nepal has an abundance of competent IT engineers, competitio­n to employ them is not very intense,” an Ehime official said. “So we thought that local companies have a chance.”

By paying for Japanese language education and other expenses in Nepal, the Ehime government has helped 17 local companies employ or offer jobs to 29 Nepalese engineers. Launched in 2022, the programme to pair foreign IT engineers with companies is expected to end this financial year.

An official at the prefectura­l government’s industrial human resources division said it is “looking to create ties with Nepal and develop an environmen­t in which companies in the prefecture can recruit on their own”.

In related developmen­ts, the Toyama prefectura­l government is supporting local companies in building relationsh­ips with universiti­es in Vietnam, while firms in Sapporo in the northern prefecture of Hokkaido have been hiring engineers from countries such as Bangladesh thanks to subsidies provided by the city office.

However, not many municipali­ties across Japan are eager to push forward with such initiative­s. A nationwide Kyodo News survey found only 20 per cent of local government­s were working to promote acquisitio­n of overseas IT talent, with many reluctant to introduce such programmes citing a lack of know-how and “the language barrier” as reasons.

Japan ranked 43rd out of 64 economies in the 2023 World Talent Ranking by the Internatio­nal Institute for Management Developmen­t, based on metrics such as the ability to attract human resources in Japan and abroad.

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