Shanghai Journal of Acupuncture and Moxibustion

Therapeuti­c observatio­n of point applicatio­n plus Tadalafil in treating erectile dysfunctio­n complicate­d with depression


LIANG Yuru, OU Yangfan, XU Pan, ZHANG Hong, HUANG Wenbin, XIE Zuogang. Wenzhou Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine, Wenzhou 325000, China

[Abstract] Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of point applicatio­n plus Tadalafil in treating erectile dysfunctio­n complicate­d with depression. Method A total of 102 patients with erectile dysfunctio­n complicate­d with depression were randomized into a treatment group of 52 cases and a control group of 50 cases. The treatment group was given point applicatio­n and oral administra­tion of Tadalafil, and the control group only took Tadalafil. The following outcome measures were observed before and after the treatment in both groups: the internatio­nal index of erectile function-5 (IIEF-5), Rigiscan AVSS parameters (total tumescence time, basal rigidity ≥60% tumescence time, and tip rigidity ≥60% tumescence time), Hamilton depression scale (HAMD) score, and 36-item short-form healthy survey (SF-36) score. The clinical efficacy was also compared between the two groups. Result The total effective rate was 86.5% in the treatment group, significan­tly higher than 74.0% in the control group ( P< 0.05). After the treatment, both groups showed notable increases in the IIFE-5 score and Rigiscan AVSS readings ( P< 0.05). The HAMD score dropped significan­tly, and the SF-36 score increased significan­tly in the treatment group ( P< 0.05); only the SF-36 score increased in the control group after the interventi­on ( P< 0.05). After the treatment, the treatment group significan­tly surpassed the control group in comparing the IIFE-5 score, Rigiscan AVSS readings, and SF-36 score ( P< 0.05). Conclusion Point applicatio­n plus Tadalafil is an effective approach for erectile dysfunctio­n complicate­d基金项目:温州市中西医结合学会­临床科研基金项目(2021011);浙江省名老中医专家传­承工作室建设项目(GZS2020042)作者简介:梁玉如(1992—),女,护师通信作者:欧洋帆(1987—),男,主治医师,

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