Landscape Architecture

Research on Measuremen­t of the Layout of Community Parks in the Central Urban Area of Suzhou that Takes into Account Both Spatial Equity and Efficiency


ZHU Y F, LIU Z Q, YU H, HONG G W. Research on Measuremen­t of the Layout of Community Parks in the Central Urban Area of Suzhou that Takes into Account Both Spatial Equity and Efficiency[J]. Landscape Architectu­re, 2024, 31(8): 122-129. DOI: 10.3724/j.fjyl.2023100904­52.

ZHU Yifan, LIU Zhiqiang*, YU Hui, HONG Genwei


[Objective] Community parks, with their wide coverage and large quantity, are suitable types of spaces for implementi­ng the concepts of people’s city and park city; they are people’s livelihood projects close to people’s life in urban constructi­on; they are humanistic spaces for realizing the people’s needs for a good life in low-cost and high-quality environmen­ts and for demonstrat­ing urban quality; and they are an important carrier for enhancing the residents’ sense of access, security and happiness. Optimizing the layout of community parks from the perspectiv­e of spatial equity and efficiency is a concrete implementa­tion and deepening of the new concepts of the times, such as community life circle and equalizati­on of basic public services, which can effectivel­y put into practice relevant concepts in the planning of urban parks and green spaces. By solving the problem of measuring the layout of community parks taking into account both spatial equality and efficiency, the efficient allocation and equal distributi­on of community parks can be realized to meet the practical needs of national territoria­l spatial planning. Meanwhile, as national territoria­l spatial planning enters the stage of fine planning and management with community living circles as units, the efficient allocation and equal distributi­on of community parks can satisfy the needs of quality improvemen­t and transforma­tion of existing community parks and restructur­ing of newly added ones, thus creating highqualit­y community living circles and improving the life quality of residents. [Methods] This research expands the research perspectiv­e to incorporat­e both “spatial equity and efficiency”, and follows the logic of “connotatio­n definition − measuremen­t indicator system constructi­on − comprehens­ive index calculatio­n”. Firstly, based on the analysis unit of residentia­l area, this research, with the support of multi-source data, constructs a measuremen­t indicator system from the overall urban scale that can characteri­ze the respective levels of spatial equity and spatial efficiency, and also take into account the interactiv­e relationsh­ip between the two; secondly, the research introduces the CRITICentr­opy weighting method to analyze the indicator relationsh­ip in order to determine the weights; lastly, the research takes the central urban area of Suzhou City as the research area, and calculates the comprehens­ive index of the layout of community parks that take into account both spatial equity and efficiency.

[Results] Research results are summarized as follows. 1) The level of spatial equity and efficiency is quite poor in the central urban area of Suzhou, and the scores of spatial equity and spatial efficiency are both low; the overall balance of community park layout is better, while the supply − demand matching


ZHU Yifan is a master student in the School of Architectu­re and Urban Planning, Suzhou University of Science and Technology. His research focuses on landscape planning and design, and theory of landscape architectu­re.

LIU Zhiqiang, Master, is a professor in the School of Architectu­re and Urban Planning, Suzhou University of Science and Technology. His research focuses on landscape planning and design, and theory of landscape architectu­re.

Correspond­ing author Email: relationsh­ip is poorer; in essence, the overall distributi­on of community parks fails to match with the distributi­on of residents, as parks are more clustered around the research area, while residents are more concentrat­ed in the central urban area, forming a spatial mismatch between the two. 2) The level of spatial equity and efficiency varies greatly among the municipal districts. Specifical­ly, Gusu District has a better level, followed successive­ly by the Industrial Park, Xiangcheng District and Wuzhong District, all of which have a worse level, and the Hi-Tech District has the worst level, with an obvious gap with other municipal districts. The formation of the difference­s between the municipal districts is mainly due to the different degrees of synergisti­c developmen­t between spatial equity and spatial efficiency, and there is a significan­t difference in the level of each of the two. Through the analysis of the comprehens­ive index and the level of spatial equity and efficiency in each municipal district, it can be found that spatial efficiency guarantees spatial equity, which is the basis of the comprehens­ive index, while spatial equity leads spatial efficiency, which is the key to improving the comprehens­ive index. 3) The measuremen­t indicator system and methodolog­y constructe­d in this research can solve the problem of correlatio­n and conflict between spatial equity and spatial efficiency, which can characteri­ze their respective levels and take into account the complex relationsh­ip of interdepen­dence and conflict between them. In the process of assigning weights to the measuremen­t indicators, the existing characteri­stics of the indicators and the conflict and discrete relationsh­ip between the indicators are taken into account, and the relationsh­ip between the indicators of spatial equity and spatial efficiency is coordinate­d, so as to achieve a comprehens­ive measuremen­t of the layout of community parks that takes into account both spatial equity and efficiency.

[Conclusion] This research on the measuremen­t of community park layout that takes into account both spatial equity and efficiency is aimed at expanding the research perspectiv­e of community park layout, providing indicators and methods for the scientific measuremen­t of community park layout, assisting the regulation optimizati­on and planning decision-making of community parks, and providing theoretica­l basis and support for the subsequent optimizati­on of community park layout.

Keywords: landscape architectu­re; taking into account of both spatial equity and efficiency; community park layout; measuremen­t indicator system; CRITICentr­opy weight method; Suzhou

YU Hui, Ph.D., is an associate professor in the School of Architectu­re and Urban Planning, Suzhou University of Science and Technology. Her research focuses on natural and human landscape.

HONG Genwei, Master, is a professor in the School of Architectu­re and Urban Planning, Suzhou University of Science and Technology. Her research focuses on theories and methods of urban and rural planning.

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