Journal of Mechanical Transmission


- 张磊乐 李 东 郑国良 马千里450001) (郑州机械研究所有限公­司, 河南 郑州

摘要 针对多分支正交柔顺矢­量测力系统的设计难题,提出了梁连接单元模拟­测力元件的方法; 6采用该方法建立了测­力分支及矢量测力系统­的有限元模型,并对 种分支形式和平面布局­形式进行了结构特点分­析。在此基础上,结合矢量测力系统案例,通过有限元模型进行参­数详细设计,最终3获得了结构紧凑­且耦合较小的方案。对台架的 个载荷分量(轴向力、法向力、俯仰力矩)进行了校0. 5% Full Scale, FS)准试验,其中,校准的不确定度均在 满量程( 左右。针对大载荷矢量测力系­统加载精度对校准测量­的影响较大的问题,提出了基于载荷与测量­比值的性能评估方法,采用该方法, 3 0. 4%FS 0. 7%FS得到设计的矢量测­力系统的 个分量的测量重复性在 左右,大量程测量滞后性在 以内。研究成果对于正交矢量­测力系统的结构设计和­性能分析具有一定的参­考意义。

关键词 矢量测力系统 柔顺机构 柔性铰链 挠性件 矢量推力

Design and Performanc­e Analysis of Orthogonal Compliant Vector Force Measuring System

Zhang Leile Li Dong Zheng Guoliang Ma Qianli

( Zhengzhou Research Institute of Mechanical Engineerin­g Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou 450001, China) Abstract Aiming at the design challenges of multi-branch orthogonal compliant vector force measuring system, a finite element method with beam connection units is proposed, and finite element models of dynamom⁃ etry branches and vector force measuring system are establishe­d using this method. Structural characteri­stics analysis is carried out for six branch forms and lateral layout forms. Based on this, combined with a case study of vector force measuring system, detailed parameter design is conducted using the finite element model, resulting in a compact and minimally coupled structure. Calibratio­n tests for the three load components of the vector force measuring system (axial force, normal force, and pitching moment) are performed, with uncertaint­ies of calibra⁃ tion around 0.5% of the full scale (FS). To address the significan­t impact of the loading accuracy of high-load vector force measuring systems on calibratio­n measuremen­ts, a performanc­e evaluation method based on the ra⁃ tio of load to measuremen­t is proposed. Through this method, the repeatabil­ity of the three-component measure⁃ ment of the designed vector force measuring system is around 0.4%FS, and the hysteresis of large-range mea⁃ surement is within 0.7%FS. The research findings have quite reference significan­ce for the structural design and performanc­e analysis of orthogonal vector force measuring systems.

Key words Vector force measuring system Flexure mechanism Flexure hinge Flexure element Vector thrust

0 引言



Zhang [3]

矢量测力系统分支布局­进行了深入研究; 等提7出了 分支的火箭发动机矢量­测力系统结构,获得了优异的测试效果。测量分支主要有两种形­式,一种是Predrag [4]分支与动架和定架通过­运动副连接,如 等提Stewart出­的基于 结构的火箭发动机矢量­测力系统和Kumar Stewart [5]

等 提出的基于 结构的风洞天平;另一

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