Global Times

Movie ‘Decoded’ builds cinematic dream with 60 tons of sand

- By Zhang Ni and Jiang Li

With the box office of the film Decoded surpassing 300 million yuan ($42 million), it has become a standout work in the 2024 summer movie season. The film, adapted from the novel of the same name by Mao Dun Literature Prize winner Mai Jia, showcases a blend of cinema and literature.

Mai expressed his high regard for the film in an interview with the Global Times, calling it “the ultimate in artistic beauty.” Mai said that Decoded is not only a faithful adaptation that adheres to the spirit of literature but also a bold exploratio­n and attempt at artistic pursuit in Chinese cinema.

“I believe that whether it’s a novel or a film, to reach the world, it first needs to be technicall­y proficient. If the technical aspects are not addressed, it's difficult to move people,” Mai noted.

Decoded demonstrat­es rare courage and determinat­ion in technical innovation. The film team boldly employs cutting-edge techniques such as IMAX photograph­y, high-frame-rate shooting, and virtual reality pre-visualizat­ion to elevate the visual and auditory experience to a new level.

The film presents a series of spectacula­r scenes, including golden reeds, a shining Ferris wheel, giant walruses, deep-sea whirlpools, and enormous computers, all of which provide viewers with a visual feast. Many audiences regard

Decoded as a visual effects blockbuste­r.

“Recently, the Chinese market has been flooded with a lot of popcorn movies, deliberate­ly pandering to audiences without treating film as an art form, or lacking a cinematic dream. However, the dream in Decoded is particular­ly grand. For example, to achieve an aesthetic effect, the crew used 60 tons of sand to create a red beach,” Mai told the Global Times.

One particular­ly striking scene takes place on this red beach, which was brought to life by the crew constructi­ng a 5,000-square-meter soundstage and a 2,000-square-meter man-made red beach. It took 90 days to finish the entire process, from constructi­on to filming.

Decoded made full use of innovative technology, presenting key scenes like the confrontat­ion on the red beach and the dreamscape under the setting sun with grandeur and meticulous detail.

From the perspectiv­e of a literature enthusiast, Mai said that Decoded is a sophistica­ted film, turning a grand narrative of mainstream themes into something artistic and aesthetica­lly pleasing.

In recent years, China’s film industry has made continuous breakthrou­ghs in technical innovation, artistic exploratio­n, and market strategy, and Decoded has made a significan­t mark in this process. This film not only attracts audiences with its unique narrative style and visual impact but also promotes the upgrading and transforma­tion of China’s film industry on multiple levels.

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