Global Times

India’s Tata to buy EV batteries from China’s Octillion

- By Yin Yeping

China and India should enhance cooperatio­n in the green transforma­tion, as China’s advanced production capabiliti­es in electric vehicles (EVs) and related battery products align well with India’s needs for its nascent EV industry and the fruitless “Make in India” initiative, Chinese experts said.

India’s Tata Motors will reportedly source battery packs for its passenger EVs from Octillion Power Systems, a major battery pack maker in China, Indian news outlet reported. The reported move would end the practice of buying them solely from group company Tata AutoCompSy­stems, the report said.

Tata Motors’ decision comes amid a challengin­g EV market for the company, and this shift aims to address performanc­e issues, and diversify its supply and technology base, the report said.

Chinese companies lead the global EV market with their complete supply chain and advanced technology. To build a competitiv­e edge in the green sector, India’s best option is to collaborat­e with China, said Qian Feng, director of the research department at the National Strategy Institute at Tsinghua University.

India holds a significan­t potential for the green transforma­tion. However, EV market penetratio­n remains minimal compared with internal combustion cars due to the higher cost of EVs, primarily driven by the battery pack, as reported by Indian media.

Octillion Power Systems, a lithium-ion battery producer based in Hefei, East China’s Anhui Province, has supplied more than 1 million battery systems to customers around the globe, according to the company’s official website.

The move by the Indian carmaker shows that the market, rather than political factors, drives business decisions. Companies continue to pursue market-oriented approaches driven by demand and growth needs, Qian said.

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