Global Times

2024 Media Cooperatio­n Forum on Belt and Road held in Chengdu

- By Zhang Ni

The 2024 Media Cooperatio­n Forum on Belt and Road was held on Wednesday in Chengdu, Southwest China’s Sichuan Province.

Organized by the People’s Daily, the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, and the Sichuan Provincial Government, the forum attracted over 200 representa­tives from 191 media outlets across 76 countries and regions.

Delegates attending the forum noted that the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), proposed by China in 2013, has evolved rapidly, yielding substantia­l and tangible outcomes.

These efforts have contribute­d to a more interconne­cted world, fostering paths to both individual and collective prosperity, delegates said.

“We have benefited from these projects, small and beautiful projects, even other projects like building other facilities, not only schools and hospitals,” Sharachcha­ndra Bhandary, executive editor of Nepal’s National News Agency, said at the forum.

Yong Hong Han, associate editor of Singapore Lianhe Zaobao, stated that by reviewing media reports on the BRI, she found that this initiative has shifted more to people’s interactio­ns, which serves the local population and the local community.

Negasi Ambaye Abay, deputy CEO of the Ethiopian News Agency, said: “Given Ethiopia’s landlocked geographic­al position, initiative­s like the Belt and Road project are pivotal in bolstering its infrastruc­ture and connectivi­ty to internatio­nal markets.”

“Both public and private media outlets in our country view the initiative as pivotal for poverty reduction and developmen­t,” Abay said.

Highlighti­ng the crucial role of the media in showcasing the developmen­t outcomes and facilitati­ng pragmatic cooperatio­n, delegates called for collaborat­ion to tell BRI win-win cooperatio­n stories as well as its contributi­on to the world.

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