Global Times

OHCHR called on to fulfill mandate in a just, objective manner

- By Liu Xin and Zhang Yuying

The Chinese Foreign Ministry on Wednesday called on the UN Office of the High Commission­er for Human Rights (OHCHR) to fulfill its mandate in a just and objective manner, respect countries’ sovereignt­y, respect facts, conduct constructi­ve dialogue and cooperatio­n with countries, after the office released an updated report on Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

On Tuesday, the OHCHR released an update to its previous “report” on Xinjiang two years ago, claiming that China still has “many problemati­c laws and policies” regarding the Xinjiang region. On August 31, 2022, the OHCHR released a so-called report on the human rights situation in China’s Xinjiang region, which China denounced, saying it was completely invalid and was a political tool serving the US and some Western forces to contain China.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokespers­on Lin Jian said at a press conference on Wednesday that the OHCHR should reject acts that politicize human rights or stoke division and confrontat­ion, and refrain from being used by political forces aiming at containing and vilifying China.

The release of the OHCHR update was quickly picked up by Western media, with some anti-China forces seizing the opportunit­y to again sensationa­lize accusation­s of “crimes against humanity” against China.

Analysts said that the “report,” which was released by former High Commission­er Michelle Bachelet on her last day in office in 2022, was issued under significan­t pressure from Western countries and the US. Now, anti-China forces are employing the same tactics, using the so-called twoyear anniversar­y to criticize China’s human rights record, aiming to reinforce stereotype­s and deepen negative perception­s of China.

Wang Jiang, deputy dean of the Institute of China’s Borderland Studies at Zhejiang Normal University, said that in recent years, counter-terrorism efforts in Xinjiang region have yielded significan­t achievemen­ts. One of the most notable changes is in the mindset of local residents – they are no longer burdened by the anxiety of terrorism and are fully enjoying the benefits of social stability.

The happiness and relaxation on local residents’ faces are evident to every visitor to the region, Wang said, noting that with the increasing number of foreign diplomats, media representa­tives and tourists visiting Xinjiang, the truth about the region is becoming more widely known to the outside world.

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