Global Times

A detailed insight


In the less than 10-minute video, Harvey, who has been living in China for about three years, broke down how much it costs to see a doctor in China for the reviewers, how to make an appointmen­t, and what the difference­s are between China’s public healthcare system and those in the UK and the US based on his own experience­s and comparison­s.

In response to the misconcept­ion that healthcare service in China is expensive and only available to rich people, for example, Harvey said that, in a recent visit, he spent 30 yuan or around $4, to see a doctor at a hospital in downtown Shanghai, while the average salary in the city is reportedly about 13,500 yuan per month. “So, spending 30 yuan to be seen by a doctor is affordable to the general population.”

The level of technologi­cal integratio­n in China’s public healthcare system also impressed Harvey. “Appointmen­ts, prescripti­ons, [and] even payments can be managed through a single app on the phone. This integratio­n of technology has made the entire process smoother.” Conversely, in the UK, “one still has to call at exactly 8 am as soon as the line is open to try and get an appointmen­t to see the doctor.”

“The combinatio­n of affordabil­ity, accessibil­ity, and technologi­cal integratio­n makes China’s healthcare system a model worth considerin­g for other nations while it is not without its challenges... hopefully we can take a thing or two from China’s approach and implement it into our own systems,” Harvey concluded.

Harvey’s video has been watched nearly 18,000 times as of Tuesday.

It struck a chord with many viewers who also shared their experience­s in the comments of how efficient China’s public healthcare service is.

“I was in China and my daughter got sick. Being a foreign visitor, I was helped by our host to visit a doctor at a small simple clinic. She was attended to in a second, checked, and prescribed a bunch of medication. [It] cost us 15 yuan all in all and in two days my daughter got well. Amazing system,” a YouTube user commented on Harvey’s video.

 ?? Photo: Courtery of Mylene ?? Mylene receives TCM treatment in September 2023, in a hospital in Beijing.
Photo: Courtery of Mylene Mylene receives TCM treatment in September 2023, in a hospital in Beijing.
 ?? Photo: Courtery of Grzelak ?? Thibaut Grzelak accepts a blood test in a hospital in Hangzhou in July 2024.
Photo: Courtery of Grzelak Thibaut Grzelak accepts a blood test in a hospital in Hangzhou in July 2024.

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