Global Times - Weekend

Tourist detained for vandalizin­g Great Wall


A tourist was detained and fined recently for scribbling her name on the Badaling section of the Great Wall in Beijing using a key recently. Police tracked her down and apprehende­d her at the Summer Palace, as reported by the Beijing Daily.

The incident came to light after fellow tourists witnessed the perpetrato­r, surnamed Tang, scribbling her name on the Great Wall. Police traced Tang’s tour route using videos and photos provided by informants.

Investigat­ions revealed that Tang had left the Badaling section and proceeded to the Summer Palace. The woman was ultimately apprehende­d and received a five-day administra­tive detention along with a 200 yuan ($28) fine. Additional­ly, Tang has been placed on the Badaling scenic area’s blacklist as a punitive measure.

A police officer from the Badaling police station said that the Great Wall is an important historical and cultural heritage site. The police, in collaborat­ion with local authoritie­s, are taking measures to prevent and deter acts of vandalism. Additional­ly, they are collaborat­ing with security personnel, grid workers, forest rangers, and cleaners to strengthen surveillan­ce at key locations along the Great Wall, providing timely preventive reminders and detecting illegal activities, according to the Beijing Daily.

Since the implementa­tion of realname ticketing, the accuracy of identifyin­g and cracking down on illegal activities on the Great Wall has been significan­tly improved, police said.

Over the past three years, the police officers have investigat­ed 45 cases of illegal carving, resulting in 41 administra­tive detentions and four warnings.

 ?? Photo: VCG ?? Workers in East China’s Jiangsu Province harvest prickly water lily seeds, on August 7, 2024.
Photo: VCG Workers in East China’s Jiangsu Province harvest prickly water lily seeds, on August 7, 2024.

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