Global Times - Weekend

CPI up 0.5% in July, marking six consecutiv­e months of expansion


China’s consumer price index (CPI), a main gauge of inflation, edged up 0.5 percent yearon-year in July, data released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) showed on Friday. It marked the sixth consecutiv­e month that the reading has recorded an expansion.

NBS statistici­an Dong Lijuan attributed it to the continuous pick-up in domestic consumer demand and the impact of high temperatur­es and rainfall in some regions which have driven up food prices.

The index also accelerate­d from a 0.2-percent year-on-year growth recorded in June. On a monthly basis, China’s CPI also gained 0.5 percent in July, reversing from a contractio­n of 0.2 percent in June. The month-on-month growth rate is “relatively high” compared to the same period in recent years, said Dong.

Non-food prices rose 0.7 percent year-on-year, lifting the CPI by 0.54 percentage points.

The core CPI, deducting food and energy prices, went up 0.3 percent in July compared with that of June, making the reading “higher than the average level for the same period in the past decade.” In year-on-year terms, the index rose 0.4 percent in July, maintainin­g a moderate increase.

Chinese observers predicted that China’s CPI will continue showing a “moderate rebound” in the second half, thanks to the release of more consumptio­n demand, food price rises and last year’s low base effect.

They also expected a robust uptick in service consumptio­n to further bolster the data growth.

Research released by the Peking University National Economic Research Center expected China’s CPI to grow by 0.4 percent year-on-year in 2024.

China has set its 2024 inflation target at 3 percent.

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