Global Times - Weekend

NED ‘a white glove’ of US govt to subvert other states: report

- By Zhang Han

The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) acts as the US government’s “white gloves” and has long engaged in subverting state power in other countries, meddling in their internal affairs, inciting division and confrontat­ion, misleading public opinion, and conducting ideologica­l infiltrati­on, all under the pretext of promoting democracy, according to a report released on Friday by the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

The report, titled “The National Endowment for Democracy: What It Is and What It Does,” dug into NED’s history since 1983, and used vivid examples to expose its evil methods of instigatin­g color revolution­s, inciting division and confrontat­ion, manipulati­ng and interferin­g in other countries’ internal affairs, and using “academic activities” as a cloak for interferen­ce and infiltrati­on, among other nefarious moves.

Its countless evil deeds have caused grave harm and drawn strong condemnati­on from the internatio­nal community, read the report, which exposed the NED’s China-targeted activities, as well as subversion operations involving Iran, North Korea and Ukraine, and cultivatio­n of proUS forces in Europe, Mexico and Cuba.

Li Haidong, a professor at the China Foreign Affairs University, told the Global Times that the report is a reminder to the public to be cautious of the US government’s “peaceful evolution” attempts in China through NED infiltrati­on.

People need to establish awareness of NED tactics and unite to counter subversion, infiltrati­on and ensure national security, Li said.

The report mentioned several cases related to China’s Taiwan, Hong Kong and Xinjiang regions. Li noted that the report exposed NED’s evil maneuvers to a global audience to combat the US’ malicious informatio­n warfare and smears against China.

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