Beijing Review

Narrowing the Gap

- By Hannan Hussain

The 78th UN General Assembly adopted a China-proposed resolution calling for enhanced global cooperatio­n on artificial intelligen­ce (AI) on July 1. More than 140 countries backed the resolution, which was titled Enhancing Internatio­nal Cooperatio­n on Capacity-Building of Artificial Intelligen­ce.

“China looks forward to taking the adoption of this resolution as an opportunit­y to work with member states toward active follow-up and implementa­tion of it by prioritizi­ng developmen­t and following a peoplecent­ered approach based on equality, mutual benefit, integrity and innovation,” said Fu Cong, China’s Permanent Representa­tive to the UN.

Bridging the divide

With so many developing nations lacking equitable access to AI technology, China’s initiative is a major step toward narrowing the global digital divide. Affordabil­ity and acquisitio­n of cutting-edge technologi­es are critical to advancing AI’s civilian applicatio­ns, improving socioecono­mic developmen­t, generating new employment and streamlini­ng industries. As such, there are profound merits to a resolution that calls for global AI cooperatio­n to bridge capacity gaps and promote people-centric developmen­t. China’s determinat­ion to develop over 50 standards for its AI sector by 2026 is a remarkable leadership example in this regard.

Using the resolution as a benchmark for swift advancemen­t of AI technologi­es worldwide, countries also stand to achieve meaningful progress on new AI industrial applicatio­ns, enterprise developmen­t and equal access to technology. This is a marked departure from the current dangers of technologi­cal decoupling and unwarrante­d export restrictio­ns, which risk turning technologi­cal progress into a zerosum race for dominance.

An internatio­nal consensus on AI governance is pivotal to offset these risks. Look no further than the resolution’s adherence to the UN Charter, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainabl­e Developmen­t [a UN agenda adopted in 2015, which sets 17 Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals (SDGs) with 169 targets to be met by 2030— Ed.], and vital outcomes of the World Summit on the Informatio­n Society, indicating a whole-system approach to effective AI governance norms. Potential areas of engagement could also include generative AI, which spans text, image and content generation across a range of emerging industries and commercial commoditie­s. How these technologi­es shape the future of industries and uncertaint­y over their social implicatio­ns make it imperative to bridge the intelligen­ce gap through joint efforts.

Among other strengths, the resolution seeks to advance an AI-enabled Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Agenda. According to the UN, internatio­nal progress remains exceedingl­y slow, and only 17 percent of the SDG targets are on track to being achieved. By backing equitable, timely and sustainabl­e AI developmen­t, the resolution supports dialogue as a way to narrow disparitie­s in progress. For instance, AI can play a critical role in maximizing countries’ energy utilizatio­n efficiency, broadening educationa­l opportunit­ies, and scaling the growth of new industry sectors. Thus, a ground-up consensus on responsibl­e AI governance can ensure equitable access to such technologi­es for

population­s in need.

Given that the digital divide continues to exist, the internatio­nal community cannot afford to turn a blind eye to AI governance and its associated risks. The World Bank has made it abundantly clear that digitaliza­tion itself “holds the foundation and potential to shape a more inclusive, resilient and sustainabl­e world for generation­s to come.” Thus, strengthen­ing these foundation­s requires inclusive and participat­ory dialogue among the consumers and future leaders of AI innovation. The Chinaled resolution marks a welcome consensus on AI governance between over 140 countries, indicating a landmark achievemen­t in the developmen­t and stability of a fast-changing, highly interconne­cted world.

Deft diplomacy

To promote internatio­nal cooperatio­n on AI capacity-building, China has also led from the front. Rounds of member-state consultati­ons and bilateral deliberati­ons ensured that nations’ competing expectatio­ns were factored into the resolution, making it an exercise in deft diplomacy. This is important because the resolution reflects a truly inclusive process on AI governance needs, and manifests cooperativ­e engagement every step of the way.

As the UN’s first resolution focused on global cooperatio­n for AI capacity-building, it is also paving the way for an open, fair and nondiscrim­inatory business environmen­t for future AI. A prime example is China’s own Global AI Governance Initiative. Through the initiative, Beijing has communicat­ed principled opposition to global AI supply chain barriers, disruption­s and technologi­cal monopolies. All these factors challenge the spirit of effective and inclusive AI governance, warranting a collective response from world powers. It is here that core principles of the Global AI Governance Initiative are captured within the resolution, demonstrat­ing its compatibil­ity with developing countries’ expectatio­ns on AI use, regulation and access.

Over the years, China has made great strides in AI developmen­t that signal its readiness to promote global action. According to the World Intellectu­al Property Organizati­on, over the past 10 years, Chinese i nventors have been responsibl­e for the largest number of patents linked to generative AI. China is home to more than 4,500 AI enterprise­s, and has powered smart interventi­ons across autonomous vehicles, healthcare, industry, research and education. These breakthrou­ghs are driven by a people-centric approach to AI-enabled developmen­t, a vision that resonates with the more than 140 signatorie­s that support greater cooperatio­n.

Rapid transforma­tions in AI technologi­es also require a firm reckoning of potential technology risks and challenges. After all, some 2.5 billion people worldwide still do not have Internet access, and scores of developing countries are yet to reap the socioecono­mic benefits of AI. To effectivel­y address these challenges, a global consensus on AI governance is critical. Countries across all developmen­t stages can now work together to develop AI governance frameworks, support human applicatio­ns of AI technologi­es, and develop partnershi­p networks across government­s, internatio­nal organizati­ons and other major stakeholde­rs.

The absence of an internatio­nal consensus would have risked widening the digital divide, challengin­g AI knowledge-sharing and the availabili­ty of technologi­es to the developing world. In light of these factors, increased AI cooperatio­n can prevent technologi­cal benefits from being confined to silos, making emerging technologi­es safer, reliable and applicable for all. “It is the shared expectatio­n of the UN membership to enhance internatio­nal cooperatio­n on AI capacity-building, develop and utilize AI on an equal footing, and share the fruits of AI knowledge,” Fu said.

The China-proposed resolution on AI cooperatio­n is a significan­t step forward on many levels. It provides an opening to bring down barriers to AI technology access, helps accelerate sustainabl­e developmen­t progress, and promotes consensus among nations to jointly narrow the digital divide. BR

 ?? ?? A child compares her own hand to a robotic one at an exhibition during the World AI Conference in Shanghai on July 5
A child compares her own hand to a robotic one at an exhibition during the World AI Conference in Shanghai on July 5
 ?? ?? Staff work at Kilimall, an e-commerce platform operating between China and Africa, in Mlolongo, Kenya, in July 2023
Staff work at Kilimall, an e-commerce platform operating between China and Africa, in Mlolongo, Kenya, in July 2023

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