Beijing Review

Washington Violates China’s Sovereignt­y


Editor’s note: The “Promoting a Resolution to the Tibet-China Dispute Act” was signed into law by U.S. President Joe Biden on July 12. The act gives recognitio­n to the notion of a “Greater Tibet” fabricated by the Dalai group, and violates the U.S. Government’s long-held position and commitment­s and the basic norms governing internatio­nal relations. China has expressed strong indignatio­n at and firm opposition to the United States on its signing into law of the bill.

Various Chinese department­s, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National People’s Congress (NPC), the Chinese People’s Political Consultati­ve Conference (CPPCC), and Xizang Autonomous Region, issued statements on the ill-intentione­d act on July 13. Tibet is romanized as Xizang in Chinese phonetic system. Main points of these statements as follows:

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The so-called tions, grossly interferes in China’s firmly opposes it and has protested to the “Promoting a Resolution to the Tibet-China domestic affairs, undermines U.S. side.

Dispute Act” violates the U.S. Government’s China’s interests, and sends a seXizang has been part of China since long-held position and commitment­s and the verely wrong signal to the “Tibet ancient times. Xizang affairs are China’s basic norms governing internatio­nal relaindepe­ndence” forces. China internal affairs, which brook no interferen­ce by any external forces. Xizang today enjoys social stability and harmony, with sound economic performanc­e and people’s wellbeing well protected. Xizang is making fresh progress in effectivel­y running its society, maintainin­g social stability, and achieving high-quality developmen­t. No one and no force should ever attempt to destabiliz­e Xizang to contain and suppress China. Such attempts will never succeed.

We urge the U.S. side to take concrete actions to honor its commitment­s of recognizin­g Xizang as part of China and not supporting “Tibet independen­ce.” The U.S. must not implement the Act. If the U.S. continues down the wrong path, China will take resolute measures to defend its sovereignt­y, security and developmen­t interests.

NPC Foreign Affairs Committee: Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and with the support of the people of the whole country, the people of all ethnic groups in Xizang have worked together and achieved a full victory in poverty alleviatio­n, resulting in greater social stability, economic and cultural prosperity, a better ecological environmen­t, and a happier life.

Currently, Xizang’s stable developmen­t is

at its best in history, and the people’s freedom of religious belief is fully protected. The region continuous­ly breaks new ground in long-term stability and high-quality developmen­t.

Anyone or any forces attempting to obstruct people in Xizang from pursuing a happier and better life will end in vain, and their attempt to contain and suppress China through destabiliz­ing Xizang is doomed to failure.

Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of Xizang Autonomous Region and the CPPCC Xizang Autonomous Regional Committee:

The real and sinister intention of the U.S. is to contain and suppress China and attempt to internatio­nalize the so-called “Tibet issue.” The act sends a gravely erroneous signal to the separatist forces seeking “Tibet independen­ce.”

China is a unified multi-ethnic country, and

Xizang has been an integral part of China since ancient times. In the new era, under the leadership of the CPC, Xizang has made all-round progress and historic achievemen­ts in various undertakin­gs.

Today’s Xizang is a place featuring political and social stability, economic prosperity, ethnic unity, religious harmony and sound ecology, and it is a place where people live and work in peace and contentmen­t.

The so-called “Tibetan government-in-exile” is an out-and-out separatist political group and a political organizati­on violating China’s Constituti­on and laws. The 14th Dalai Lama and the so-called “Tibetan government-in-exile” have no right at all to represent people in Xizang, still less to decide the future of Xizang.

The U.S. Congress must observe basic norms governing internatio­nal relations and honor the U.S. government’s commitment to acknowledg­ing that Xizang is part of China and not supporting “Tibet independen­ce.”

In the face of facts and truth, no matter how the U.S. anti-China politician­s confuse right and wrong and distort facts, they can never undermine social stability in Xizang and can never prevent all ethnic groups in Xizang from taking firm steps toward a better life.

The act grossly interferes in China’s internal affairs, arbitraril­y smears and attacks China’s Xizang policies and sends a gravely erroneous signal to “Tibet independen­ce” forces. China is a unified multi-ethnic country, and Xizang has been an integral part of China since ancient times.

 ?? ?? Worshipers pray at Dazhao Temple in Lhasa, Xizang Autonomous Region, on June 19
Worshipers pray at Dazhao Temple in Lhasa, Xizang Autonomous Region, on June 19
 ?? ?? The Potala Palace in Lhasa, Xizang, on June 19
The Potala Palace in Lhasa, Xizang, on June 19

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