Vancouver Sun

Getting a smoothie start to your day

- ELLIE KRIEGER For The Washington Post

This smoothie is my way of making busy mornings a little easier.

Frosty, creamy and rich, the smoothie provides balanced nourishmen­t, with plenty of protein, fibre and healthy fat to keep you satisfied all morning long. And it doesn't hurt that it tastes like a treat.

Instead of using added sugar, the smoothie is sweetened with whole fruit — dates — which, along with sweet taste, provide fibre, antioxidan­ts, minerals and a delightful, deep flavour. Because of their sweetness and silky texture, Medjool dates are ideal for this recipe, but any variety will work. They blend in best if they're moist and tender, but if your dates are on the dry side, just soak them in hot water for about 10 minutes to rehydrate them first.

The protein in this smoothie comes from tahini, almonds and milk. The tahini, which also supplies a satisfying measure of “good for you” fat, gives the smoothie a rich, thick texture and signature sesame flavour. Sliced almonds add more “nut-rition,” and blend in just enough to yield bits of crunchy texture.

Milk provides the liquid needed to whirr it all together, as well as shake-like creaminess. (You can use any type of milk you like, but note the difference in protein levels: Dairy and soy milk have about 4 grams of protein per half-cup, whereas almond milk has just 1/2 gram and oat milk up to 2 grams protein per half a cup.) If you opt for a lower-protein milk, you might want to add a couple of extra tablespoon­s of sliced almonds to make up the protein difference. You could also add protein powder if that's your thing, but I personally prefer to use more whole-food sources.

Blended with ice to make it nice and frosty, and a pinch of ground cardamom for warm, fruity flavour and fragrance, the smoothie turns out thick and creamy, redolent of sesame and dates, with a delightful, nutty crunch. Just toss everything in the blender for a single serving, or multiply to serve more, and drink it on the go.

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