Vancouver Sun


How useful are cognitive assessment tools? The answer might surprise you


Twenty years ago, at a particular­ly stressful time in my mid-40s, I thought I was losing my mind — or at least my memory. I sometimes had trouble coming up with words — initially names, then simple phrases (like referring to the proverbial “night owl” as a “night bird”). Each flub made me anxious, which then worsened my memory issues. Listening to my inner hypochondr­iac, I became convinced I had a brain tumour. I went to see my primary care doctor.

She asked me a series of questions. “What year is it?” “What's today's date?” “Who's the president?” I was batting 1.000 until she asked me to spell “w-o-r-l-d” backward, when I faltered. My pulse began to race. “Can you count backward from 100 by sevens?” she queried me. I got to 93 but could go no further, which is when I broke down sobbing, convinced I'd been right about my diagnosis.

“You don't have a brain tumour or a cognitive deficit,” she told me. “But you do have an anxiety disorder,” she said abruptly, knowing the stress I'd been under. She prescribed medication for the anxiety and suggested I begin a meditation practice.

I'm not the only one I know to worry about my cognition or brain health. According to a 2020 study, two-thirds of Americans experience some level of cognitive decline by age 70. The lifetime risk for dementia for women is 37 per cent (24 per cent for men). These are stats that will make you pay attention.

Notably, there are key difference­s among population­s. Higher education and continued learning appear to build up a “cognitive reserve” that can help stave off symptoms. Disadvanta­ged groups experience a younger age of onset, higher lifetime risk and more years of cognitive impairment than their more advantaged counterpar­ts. Race and ethnicity seem to count, too: White women average six years of cognitivel­y impaired life compared with 12 and 13 years among Black women and Latinas.

Unbeknowns­t to me, my doctor had used one of the most commonly used cognitive assessment tools (also known as memory tests), the Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE). It's considered highly effective in recognizin­g cognitive impairment and revealing changes that may benefit from interventi­on.

But if you're considerin­g getting tested to assuage anxiety or to learn more, know that cognitive assessment­s don't tell the whole story. Ronald Petersen, a neurologis­t at the Mayo Clinic who specialize­s in the cognitive changes associated with aging, notes that “they give us an approximat­e idea of how someone is doing cognitivel­y, but they're not diagnostic.”

He won't tell a patient to stop driving based on the results, for example, and he can't use them to make a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. Screening tests don't reveal why there may be cognitive impairment, where in the brain there's a problem or what condition might be causing it.

Petersen explained that these screenings are like blood pressure readings, providing “a metric, a number that we can put on cognitive function that helps us assess where the person is now and, most importantl­y, where they may be going if, in fact, we do this (testing) on a regular basis.”

This is why psychologi­st Stephen Rao, who heads the cognitive neuroimagi­ng centre at Cleveland Clinic, recommends annual assessment­s for those 65 plus. All patients in his facility are given a battery of tests during their yearly wellness appointmen­ts to measure and track cognitive function (orientatio­n, registrati­on, attention/calculatio­n, recall and language).

If the findings suggest a noticeable change or an abnormalit­y, Rao can recommend more sophistica­ted testing, including an MRI or PET scan, a lumbar puncture to look at cerebrospi­nal fluid (which can help diagnose Alzheimer's) and blood biomarker tests, seen as an emerging option for detecting the abnormal buildup of proteins that could be an early sign of Alzheimer's disease.

Medicare covers cognitive assessment­s during an annual wellness visit, but Petersen says many primary care doctors are uncomforta­ble administer­ing them. They don't know which tests to use — some are as simple as the one my doctor used, but others can take up to 25 minutes to administer — how to interpret the results and what to do with abnormal findings.

A recent poll showed that 80 per cent of older adults see the benefit of these assessment­s, with 60 per cent saying they'd like their health-care providers to offer them. At the same time, 80 per cent haven't been tested in the past year and 59 per cent report never having had one.

It's important to differenti­ate the changes to be expected during aging from actual cognitive impairment. “It's not black and white,” says Petersen, adding that normal aging includes occasional­ly forgetting the names of acquaintan­ces, missing a monthly payment, having trouble finding the right word, and losing things.

More troubling signs might be forgetting names of close family members, often being unable to find things, ongoing problems managing bills, or difficulty maintainin­g a conversati­on. It may be time for a cognitive test if you are asking the same question repeatedly, getting lost in places you know well, or having trouble following recipes.

Some people are hesitant to take a cognitive assessment due to privacy concerns or because they incorrectl­y assume that nothing could be done with the results or are worried what they might find out. But Rao said that about 40 per cent of dementia cases “can either be reversed or slowed down if detected early.”

He also emphasized that screening can alert doctors to look for other, treatable issues that may cause cognitive decline. For instance, doctors say, blood clots may cause memory issues, as can some medication­s, a head injury, alcohol or drug misuse, too little sleep and low levels of crucial nutrients (such as vitamin B12). Depression and stress can also affect memory. The good news, says Petersen, is that memory problems may go away once the underlying condition is treated.

That's why, when I go in for my next annual wellness visit, I'm going to ask my doctor for a cognitive assessment.

I've learned a trick or two since my last test: It's much easier to do the countdown exercise (repeatedly subtract seven from 100) if you subtract 10 and then add three back. Also, it's not hard to memorize how to spell “w-o-r-l-d” backward. As long as my doctor doesn't give me a different word, I should do fine.

Some people are hesitant to take a cognitive assessment due to privacy concerns or because they incorrectl­y assume that nothing could be done with the results or are worried what they might find out. Steven Petrow

 ?? GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOT­O ?? Memory loss can be due to various underlying issues and affects segments of the population differentl­y.
GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOT­O Memory loss can be due to various underlying issues and affects segments of the population differentl­y.

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