Toronto Sun

Woman dies in Scarboroug­h apartment blaze


An elderly bed-ridden woman is dead after a fire at a Scarboroug­h apartment Tuesday.

Toronto firefighte­rs were called to 3131 Bridletown Circle, northwest of Warden and Finch Aves., around 8:30 p.m. about a two-alarm fire in a ninth-floor apartment that was engulfed in flames.

Sandra Noronha, who lives on the 25th floor, said she smelled smoke when she opened her front door and headed down to the ground floor via the stairs.

“It was really shocking,” said Noronha, who has never encountere­d a fire since moving into the building in 2005. “You see fire coming out of the condo, and big flames. It was amazing to see that something like that could happen.”

Noronha said she didn't know the victim, since they lived on the top floor, but noted that “it must be hard” for her neighbours.”

“It's hard for them. It's hard to process,” she said.

The balcony was charred black and the windows of the bedrooms had blown out.

Several floors at theback of the building from the ninth floor up were blackened.

Cleaning teams could be seen Wednesday morning heading into the building.

The talk around the building was that the victim was an amputee who had a personal support worker who came in daily to help out.

Jill Carter, an investigat­or with the Office of the Fire Marshal, was at the scene.

“We are in the preliminar­y stages of our investigat­ion,” said Carter. “And what I can tell you is there was a bedroom fire. And a female has been pronounced deceased from their injuries of a fire that occurred last night.”

 ?? JACK BOLAND/TORONTO SUN ?? Several units of an apartment building on Bridletown­e Circle are left charred yesterday following a deadly blaze.
JACK BOLAND/TORONTO SUN Several units of an apartment building on Bridletown­e Circle are left charred yesterday following a deadly blaze.

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